Please Chance Me (Top Schools like Wharton and Harvard!) I will chance back ASAP

<p>Hi Everyone, this is my first chance thread. I had originally want to study business (w/ Wharton as my top choice) with a concentration in public policy but now I'm thinking about going the political science route (with a minor in women's studies or economics?). Let me know how you think I should focus my app after seeing my stats. I know my math scores are a little low for Wharton. I'd appreciate any-and all- your advice!</p>

SAT I : 2260 (800 R, 720 M, 740 W) (should I retake?)
ACT: never taken (should I try?)
SAT II: 750 USH (retake?), 750 Bio M, 740 World History. Will take Math 2 in October.
Unweighted GPA (out of 100): 97.8
Rank: top 5%
AP: not sure yet but took APEuro, USH, Psych, and Lang&Comp
Senior Year Course Load: Heavy
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National AP Scholar w/ distinction, NM Commended, Brandeis Book Award for Social Action and Civic Engagement </p>


<p>High School Democrats of America July 2008-Present
•National Committee (July 2008-Present)
•NE Regional Director, Administrative Director (July 2009-Mar. 2011)
• Programs Director (Mar. 2011-Present)
Organized first annual 5-day High School Leadership Academy (HSLA) in July 2010 and again in 2011. Activities included a White House Briefing as well as prominent speakers.</p>

<p>Students for Barack Obama 2008, 2011-2012
2011 Founder of High School Division
Descrip: Worked with local students in 2008 to GOTV.
Will be reviving the high school division to launch next month. </p>

<p>United States Public Service Academy July 2009-Present<br>
Advisory Council
Received scholarship to travel to D.C. to lobby HR-2102 in July 2010 with elected officials and staff. </p>

<p>Running Start July 2010-Present
One of 50 students out of 30,000 applicants chosen for scholarship program held annually in D.C. to prepare women for elected office. </p>

<p>No Labels Dec 2010
Founding Member, Speaker
Other scheduled speakers included US Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Akon. Launch held at Columbia University. </p>

<p>5th Annual Women to Watch Awards May 2011 Speaker
Honored to speak along with Diane Sawyer, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and DeeDee Meyers at ceremony in D.C. </p>

<p>[Hiding campaign name for privacy] Feb. 2011 -Present
National Chair Candidate/ CEO
National Campaign is legally filed as a business with the IRS. Leads board of regional and state directors spanning across 31 different states (and rising). Budget is five-figures (all raised through donors).</p>

Young Democrats September 2008-Present
President / 10,11,12</p>

<p>Student Government September 2008-Present
Vice President / 10,11
Student Body Rep. to Building Cabinet / 12</p>

<p>International Club September 2008-Present
Indian Dance Team / 9,10,11,12
Bangladesh Booth Representative / 9,10,11,12</p>

<p>Class of 2012 September 2008- June 2010 Vice President / 9,10</p>

<p>Field Hockey September 2007-Present/ 8,9,10,11,12 (JV, Varsity)</p>

<p>Work Experience: 2009-Congressman's office intern, 2010- two major state campaigns, labor union office 2011-state Senator's office intern </p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: campaigning/canvassing/phonebanking, crochet blankets for distant hospice, team captain for Lymphoma and Leukemia's Light the Night Walk each year, smaller student govt events</p>

<p>Summer Activities: See work experience and ECs. Also National Convention (elections!) in Louisville, KY. Future Civic Leaders scholarship program at GWU. Young Women's Leadership Program (scholarship) at American University. </p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation: APUSH teacher's will be really good. Not sure if I should have French teacher (had her for four years and she really likes me) or Math teacher (good for business, he's a good writer, but I wasnt a stand-out student in his class) write the second. What are your thoughts?
Counselor Rec: good but probably generic
Additional Rec: From a close friend whose life I saved. Tell me if this is a bad idea. </p>

State: NY
School Type: Public/ competitive class
Gender: F
Income Bracket: 70k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None</p>

<p>Schools: Penn Wharton, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Barnard, Stanford, Duke, UVA, NYU Stern, BC, GWU, Brandeis, Wellesley, Dartmouth. I didn't include any safeties in this list but I will be applying to a few. Let me know if I should consider different schools. </p>

<p>ILL CHANCE YOU BACK! Thank you so much!</p>

<p>harvard, princeton, stanford, dartmouth, and yale are going to be crapshoots. still going to be reaches honestly.</p>

<p>penn is mid reach/low reach.
UVA and NYU not a problem. </p>

<p>i think your extracurriculars are great! focus on that for your essays!</p>

<p>chance me back!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your scores are good but your ECs are great. I can really see your passion for speaking and advocacy. Bravo! Yeah, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Wharton are high reaches for everyone. But with Dartmouth, Barnard, Wellesley, Stern, etc. I think you’re in!</p>

<p>Chance back? =)
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ivies are always reaches, so I’m going to have to keep it that way here. However, you have a nice shot so make sure you apply. NYU and VA are surefire in my opinion. Stanford is worse than Ivies so that’s a reach too. I like your choice of Wellesley and BC though.</p>

<p>Simply because Ivies are unpredictable, HYP, Dartmouth, and Wharton are definite reaches.
Stanford- Mid Reach
Duke- Low Match
Barnard- Match
NYU Stern- Match
GWU- Not Sure
BC- Not Sure
Wellesley- Not Sure</p>

<p>Your ECs are stellar and your stats make you a competitive applicant. Focus on your essays and good luck!</p>

<p>[Chance</a> me back?](<a href=“]Chance”></p>

<p>Academics: Not stellar,but not bad. SAT I not optimal, but prob. still okay. SAT IIs not great, try to aim higher. How competitive is your school? But gpa is prob. okay (are you sure that’s unweighted?) I’m guessing your course load was most rigorous possible.</p>

<p>ECs: Great leadership, good passion, probably the strongest part of your application though good luck w/ essay. HYPS, Penn Wharton would probably still be reaches given their unpredictability and lack of hooks, but because of your unique active involvement in something, you stand a good chance at all of your schools.</p>

<p>Yes, I’m sure that is unweighted haha. My school does not weight grades or rank and I have been taking the most rigorous courseload possible. Thank you for the SAT advice!.. so I should retake?</p>

<p>Penn Wharton, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford are all reaches since admission depends a lot of hidden factors not apparent to us :)</p>

<p>Dartmouth- I would say this is a low reach for you
Barnard- match/you are in
Duke-low reach
UVA- in
NYU Stern -in/match
BC -in/match
GWU -idk
Brandeis -in/match
Wellesley -in/match</p>

<p>None of us here are adcomms so don’t take our words for granted.
Shine in your essays write good resume show your passions and interests and you can get into most of your schools</p>

<p>HYP- always crapshoot, my bet is you’ll get into 1, especially if you raise your SATs a little bit.
Stanford- Mid Reach
Duke- Match
Barnard- Match
NYU Stern- Match
GWU- match
BC- match
Wellesley- match
you could retake if you wanted to, maybe to get total above 2300, but i doubt it would make that much of a difference.</p>

<p>Stanford- reac
Duke- high? Match
Barnard- Match
NYU Stern- mid- high Match
GWU- no idea
BC- no idea
Wellesley- no idea</p>

<p>sorry, but i don’t know much about your last 3 schools</p>

<p>You have a good chance at all those schools, but I would liek to make a few corrections. UVA is nobody’s safety, but you have a good chance. ECs are focused, whihc is good. Seeing as you are ORM, make sure that you have distinguishable essays. Definantly take the ACT; standardized tests are the first thing that adcoms look at.</p>

<p>Chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>wow, we’ve got similar stats (your political stuff is different than mine though…)</p>

<p>i think you’ve got a great chance, especially if you apply EA or ED to one of your schools that you mentioned :smiley: i say that you’ll get into one of HYP most likely, you’re obviously a fantastic leader. columbia and upenn are low reaches, and the rest are matches :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the chance and good luck!</p>

<p>Stanford: Reach
Duke: High Match
UVA: Match
Barnard: Match
NYU Stern: Match
GWU- Not Sure
BC: High Match
Brandeis: Match</p>

<p>I would say you have a good shot at Wharton… even a shoo-in for UPenn ED. I’ve seen people around me getting into Wharton with similar/lesser stats. Good luck!
pls chance back at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; thanks!</p>

<p>You definitely have a solid/more than solid chance for most of those schools. Harvard/Princeton/Yale and any other ivies will always be reaches for anyone. But Barnard- yes, NYU - yes, GWU - safety, Stanford- reach, duke- high match, brandeis- match, bs- high match.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCk!</p>

<p>Half to most of these chances don’t even make sense. Smh at chance threads…</p>

<p>Why do you say that, WongTongTong? Smh at lack of constructive criticism…</p>

<p>^the thing is, for elite schools like ivies and other top 10-20, beyond a certain point, there are subjective factors that you can’t predict.
Chances maybe good for simple objective stats that may put you in running, but beyond that the other half of the process is very subjective and is difficult to predict. You can’t forecast anything, ur background, ECs, interests, etc, may be of interest for certain schools while they may not for others.
If there is any advice I can give you, it’s best to focus on you essay and make you shine on the paper, beyond that, no one on CC can help you</p>

Duke, Brandeis, Barnard=Really Great Chance
Stanford and the ivies: Good Chance, but then again, there will be lots of applications to your level.
Good Luck!</p>

<p>Obviously they are crapshoots with admissions rates under 10%, but you have passionate ECs which should definitely help you. The one downside is that the ECs don’t really seem to have similarities with your major (from political stuff to business, but don’t get me wrong, they will still definitely help).</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;