Please chance me!

<p>I know that I'm not exactly a stellar candidate, but I really, really love Kenyon. I'm applying ED to up my chances because I think it might be my only way of getting in. So, here are my stats and please be honest. I promise you won't hurt my feelings. :) </p>

<p>I go to a fairly large public high school in San Jose, California. While my grades are far from being the best they could be (I have a 3.6 GPA), I'm still in the 11% percentile of my graduating class. I have played soccer for my school as well as on an outside team throughout high school. I have also played field hockey for my school all three years, and I made varsity in 10th grade. I participated in Key Club at my school 9th-11th grade. I'm really involved at my church. I assistant teach Sunday School, am a member of the Youth Group, and have gone on mission trips to Mexico four summers. My family's really involved in exchange programs, so I've had a bunch of European teenagers at my house at various times, and this past summer I spent a month living with a family in the South of France. </p>

<p>My weaknesses are my grades/test scores. In the subjects I like (English/History), they're pretty high, but in those that I don't (Science/Math, especially) they're average to low. </p>

<p>My SATs: 780 (Critical Reading); 650 (Writing); and 560 (Math).
Subject Tests : 800 (US History); 790 (Literature)
AP Tests: 5 (APUSH); 3 (Biology) </p>

<p>I'm planning on applying as a History or American Studies major, if that makes a difference. So, I would really appreciate it if you let me know what you think! Kenyon is really my dream school, and it's kind of driving me crazy thinking about applications, so just knowing what other people think is going to help me.</p>

<p>If you apply ED, then you are likely to be admitted. Have you visited Kenyon? What do you like about Kenyon College?</p>

<p>You could probably make it in applying at the normal time.</p>

<p>I’m afraid you are simply too underqualified. While it’s true that you’re great in history and critical reading, your writing comes off somewhat weak in your SAT results and though you dont like the maths and sciences your should have made an effort to receive tutoring, which is readily available in a large city such as san jose. How outstanding was this soccer team exactly? Did you at least make it to state? cuz if not then it isn’t worth mentioning. Having european teenagers over at your house will do nothing to help you either. I assume you were an active member of key club for there are many members who do not participate in anything which hardly means anything. While I do not expect you to get in at all it is nice to know that someone is interested. Too many people are daunted with the idea of living in a “rural” setting. They do not understand the benefits of being there and they dont understand that there is much interaction with students from other colleges such as carnegie mellon university,cmu, in Pittsburgh, in fact many relationships come to exist between these students, and from silicon valley there’s probably a good chance you’ll know someone from your large high school applying to cmu, it’s nice to keep in contact with familiar faces</p>

<p>Lom…the second part of your post is rather confusing, like you mixed together a post from the Mellon board and this one. CMU is a few hrs from Kenyon :-P</p>

<p>GreenCow, I think you are a mid-level applicant. I see some positives, but your GPA is actually quite poor to be applying to Kenyon level schools and Kenyon prefers a well rounded applicant (should be good at sciene and math as well). It is also worth mentioning that Kenyon values writing more so than other colleges.</p>

<p>I would apply as an international studies major/ double major with history. That is the vibe I get for you based on the profile you have given us, and should give you a decent shot at admission if your essays and recs are very strong.</p>

<p>Also, try to keep phrases like “bunch of European teenagers [at my crib]” and “South of France” out of your essays. It just makes your sound like a wealthy playboy even if that is not at all true, and those individuals don’t mix well with Kenyon.</p>

<p>One last thing, why is Kenyon your dream school?</p>