Please chance me!!

<p>Ok, I know I have low stats but someone please please chance me:</p>

<p>SAT: 1980
ACT: 29
GPA: 3.79
Courseload: 7 APs- most school offers
school doesnt rank
from Nebraska
1st senior semester grades: all As with 4 APs
Applied to Arts and Sciences</p>


<p>Mock Trial (12)- team was regional finalist</p>

<p>Forensics (9-12)- 2nd at district Freshmen year, District champion- junior year, State champion - junior year, various awards at local level</p>

<p>Art(10-12): submitted and won awards at state art fair</p>

<p>Latin (9-12) : state latin board secretary, won many awards at state latin convention, Silver medal on National Latin Exam (10,11), Cum Laude on National Exam (9) </p>

<p>Hindu Temple Youth Group (9-12) : founded fundraiser for tsunami victims</p>

<p>National Honor Society (11-12): Head of Open Door mission commitee-soup kitchen</p>

<p>Headmasters List (9-12): recognition for good grades</p>

<p>Math Team (10-12): team won awards at local quiz bowls</p>

<p>Academic Decathlon Team (10,12) Team went to state competition and won district runner up</p>

<p>Student Council: Class vice president junior year </p>

<p>TONS OF VOLUNTEER WORK over 400 hours </p>

<p>worked in neurology clinic over the summer of my junior year</p>

<p>took a class at Creighton University over the summer in psychology: Grade: A</p>

<p>attended prejudice elimination workshop</p>

<p>took German I class at Nebraska German American society</p>

<p>Tennis, Ballet, and Guitar: all (9-12)</p>

<p>I know my college counselor and teachers extremely well and I'm positive I have a good reccomendation from them</p>

<p>I'm a pretty good essay writer and I feel those are good as well...</p>

<p>and ive been in contact with my admissions rep from northwestern tons of times
been to campus and met with her and she came to my school and I email her questions..</p>

<p>had an interview which went pretty well too....</p>

<p>soooo.. what do you think?</p>

<p>I like everything but your “numbers.” THe 29 ACT is very sub-par for NU, with the 1980 SAT not being too impressive either. What were your individual scores in Reading and Math? ALso, any scores on SAT Subject Tests or AP exams?</p>

<p>I think your low scores can be overlooked with everything else on your app.</p>

<p>SAT’s more [Bluejay</a> than Wildcat](<a href=“College Navigator - Compare Institutions”>College Navigator - Compare Institutions).</p>

<p>Honestly, I say you have about a 15-20% shot at admittance. Your EC’s are very good but not outstanding and probably not good enough to make up for your test scores. You have a chance, but I don’t think it will happen.</p>

<p>Your low testing scores will be partially made up for by the rest of your app. Your grades seem good enough and your ECs too. If your interview was good too, you should have an okay chance.</p>

<p>yeah despite your scores i think you have a lot of good ECs. The only thing with those are that a lot of them you recognize for their “teams” going to finals etc rather than what you specifically did in those groups. Also, i see that some of your activities are short-lived and a bit broad concerning a spectrum of interests: you took a German class one time, a workshop on prejudice one time, you were on student council one year… those i don’t think would do much to compromise for your test scores, but they show that you have a diversity of interests.</p>

<p>but you still have the few ECs that you’ve committed to 9-12, which is awesome.</p>

<p>just a question: for your youth group, was the whole fundraiser thing done over the four years of high school, or just one time? if it was a one time thing, i wouldn’t neccesarily count participation in youth group as a 4-year acheivement. but if you were a leader for the four years and the fundraiser thing was something big you spearheaded, that’s a big plus.</p>