<p>Chance me for:</p>
<p>Lewis & Clark (Oregon)
Reed College (Oregon)
Whitman (Walla Walla, Washington)</p>
<p>I'm a female Asian American (which makes college admission harder for me) who has just immigrated to the U.S. less than five years ago. And my school does not have a lot of funding either... </p>
<p>1800 SAT (took it only once with little prep)
25 ACT (first time, second time results will come out tonight, I'm ANXIOUS! Hopefully it's better)
3.953 GPA unweighted, 5 AP Classes, will have at least 35 credits by the time I graduate, and 2 classes from a community college from dual courses</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities:
Summer Research internship at a college through Apprenticeship in Science and Engineering(ASE--funded by Saturday Academy) and Project SEED (funded byAmerican Chemical Society)
Will be competing at the Northwest Expo science fair
Volunteer at a hospital once a week for 1 year already, still continuing
Volunteer at various community events such as feeding the homeless/low-incomes, painting schools, etc.
Used to be a math tutor last year
Vice President of my school's Red Cross Club
Volunteer Coordinator of my school's National Honor Society
Last year: Historian of my school's Health Occupations Students of America
Have played tennis at my school since last year
Passion: to become a surgeon or a pathologist
I've had quite a few awards, tons from the country I came from, and more, mostly from my school and volunteer place here in the U.S. </p>
<p>Special talent: drawing/art</p>
<p>Okay chance me, I know my admission to Stanford is really low--I probably won't get accepted. But please chance me anyway... Would the fact that I came to the U.S. merely five years ago help? And the teachers seem to like me too so hopefully they've written me excellent recommendation letters? </p>
<p>Thank you so much!!!</p>