<p>Just seriously, I think I need help. My grades are really bad right now.</p>
<p>8th grade:
Alg 1 - C
Spanish 1 - A</p>
<p>9th grade:
Geom - B
Adv Eng - B
Adv World His - B
Bio - A
Spanish 2 - A
PE - A
Journalism - A</p>
<p>10th grade:
AP Euro - B
Newspaper - A
Adv Eng - A
Spanish 3 - A
Art 2 (skipped art 1) - A
Yoga - A
Alg 2 - c</p>
<p>I do really bad in Math, which i blame in part for a bad teacher in 8th grade as well as myself. I used to be really good at math tho, which is why I was accelerated to take it in 8th grade but I don't know what happened...</p>
<p>Should I load up on honors and ap classes next year? How can I prepare for trig, chem, and physics? Which are easy to self study? Any recommendations/advice?</p>
<p>PLEASE. my dream school is UCLA. My grades won't cut it tho. Please give me nice advice.</p>