<p>so this should make everybody on this site feel pretty good because i'm nowhere near as competitive as everyone else. All i need to do is get into UC's.
Here's my stats, i know they arn't so good but would any college accept me?
-Cali, female, white, soph
frosh. 4.0
soph. 3.86
(honors eng/history)
junior yr. -AP US History
AP. Spanish
should i take AP Bio?
AP Envirometal Science if i get it
Hnrs. English
Senior: -AP gov't econ
-AP english
-AP Calc AB</p>
<p>PSAT: as soph, no prep...so horrible. I dunt even remember how bad...but like projected 1100 on SAT's! yikes. Ill get help wit that</p>
*JSA (debate) officer, will be pres nxt 2 years
*Jewish Youth for Community Action -- this is a big thing but noone knows about it. leadership, community service, social justice etc.
*Tennis -- JV frosh. Varsity (10, 11, 12)
*Culture and Language Exchange (10, 11, 12)
*youth in gov't (hopefully 11th)
*CSF (does it count?) just a little tutoring
-volunteer rec staff @ camp. 1 month full time 140 hrs?
-college credit and spanish immersion in spain
-probably work nxt summer
Also, jobs -- retail clerk part time in 9th, does this count. </p>
<p>sorry for the long post. I'm just hoping to get a sense of if i'm dommed. If i could work a little more in one area, which would it be? Also, how do you prove your E.C.s? </p>
<p>Thank You Thank You. UCSC, UCD, SCSB?!?</p>