please evalute/advice thanks!!!

<p>so this should make everybody on this site feel pretty good because i'm nowhere near as competitive as everyone else. All i need to do is get into UC's.
Here's my stats, i know they arn't so good but would any college accept me?
-Cali, female, white, soph
frosh. 4.0
soph. 3.86
(honors eng/history)
junior yr. -AP US History
AP. Spanish
should i take AP Bio?
AP Envirometal Science if i get it
Hnrs. English
Senior: -AP gov't econ
-AP english
-AP Calc AB</p>

<p>PSAT: as soph, no horrible. I dunt even remember how bad...but like projected 1100 on SAT's! yikes. Ill get help wit that</p>

*JSA (debate) officer, will be pres nxt 2 years
*Jewish Youth for Community Action -- this is a big thing but noone knows about it. leadership, community service, social justice etc.
*Tennis -- JV frosh. Varsity (10, 11, 12)
*Culture and Language Exchange (10, 11, 12)
*youth in gov't (hopefully 11th)
*CSF (does it count?) just a little tutoring
-volunteer rec staff @ camp. 1 month full time 140 hrs?
-college credit and spanish immersion in spain
-probably work nxt summer
Also, jobs -- retail clerk part time in 9th, does this count. </p>

<p>sorry for the long post. I'm just hoping to get a sense of if i'm dommed. If i could work a little more in one area, which would it be? Also, how do you prove your E.C.s? </p>

<p>Thank You Thank You. UCSC, UCD, SCSB?!?</p>

<p>Take AP Bio. I'm also a CSF member and I put it down as an ec.</p>

<p>You will have a lot of material for your UC essays if you keep up with your sports and your other activities, which is to your benefit. Jobs count. Frosh year grades don't count, so yes: make your junior year grades really nice and up there.</p>

<p>...Try to get a feel for the new SATs, too. If I could go back and do it all over, I would have taken SATs at least once during my sophomore year. But I got intimidated from all those upper level people, so I didn't.</p>

<p>You're not doomed. You still have time to get time management right, change study habits, etc. Just don't start slacking off because it's hard to get out of the slump once you're in it. It's too early to say your position for UCSC, UCD (I can't help with SCSB, sorry...) admissions, so stay in CC during your junior year so you can get a more solid input.</p>

<p>And don't be intimidated with the stats you see here from CC members! :) I got a very average SAT score, but I worked my butt off on my essays and I think that's what got me into UCSD, aside from other factors, too. But my essays were my hook, I believe. Just apply to any college that you want to apply to.</p>

<p>Good luck and I hope you stay steady throughout your high school career.</p>