<p>I'll be taking the test on May 1 and this is my first essay.</p>
<p>Should we pay more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are?</p>
<p>Do we always benefit from the advice of more experienced people? There are instances when we regret heeding the advice of older people. However, the benefits of paying more attention to people who are older and more experienced than we are far outweigh the drawbacks. Several examples from literature demonstrate that the advice of more experienced people should be heeded to.</p>
<p>As demonstrated by Richard Holmes, the protagonist of Harriet McCann's novel, ............,we should pay more attention to older people.Richard Holmes is very good at drawing, but he decides to become a medical practitioner in future because he thinks that being a medical doctor will earn him more money respect than being an artist. Richard's father,Carl, advices him to be an artist because drawing is his forte and that he would feel accomplished if he did something he really enjoyed. Richard chooses to remain firm in his decision to become a medical doctor despite his father's attempts to dissuade him. He works harder and eventually becomes one of the most influential medical doctors of his day. Indeed, he earns much more money than he would have earned if he were an artist;But he does not enjoy life as he thought he would if he became a rich doctor. He has all the money and fame that he wanted but is actually one of the most unhappy people of his day. He realizes that money is not all that matters in life and that he would have been happier if he had given heed to his father's advice. Therefore, the guidance of older people is crucial in determining what we make of ourselves.</p>
<p>In the novel,......, by Michael Gisbson, the abject end of Carl Murty clearly illustrates that we benefit more when we pay attention to experienced people. Carl, on his way home from work, meets Cecilia, a very gorgeous lady, and they become friends. After sometime, Carl is convinced that he is in love with Cecilia and he decided to marry her;So, he takes her home to meet his parents. Carl's mother, having observed Cecilia during her visit, realizes that Cecilia is not what Carl thinks she is and and admonishes Carl not to marry her. Carl tells his mother that he is a grown man and knows what is best for him. He also tells her that he has known Cecilia for quite sometime and believes Cecilia is the ideal woman for him; So he ignores his mothers advice and goes ahead to marry Cecilia. After a couple of weeks, Carl begins to know the "true" Cecilia. He notices that Cecilia comes home very late in the night from work and the ostensible reason she gives is that there is too much work to be done at work. Not convinced by this reason, Carl decides to pay a visit to Cecilia's workplace and finds that Cecilia always goes to her ex-boyfriend's house after work each day. Carl discovers that he has married the wrong woman ,and yet cannot divorce her because he is not willing to pay the alimony. This makes him regret his not heeding his mother advice. Hence, we should be very attentive to older people because they no more than we do.</p>
<p>After a careful analysis of the experience of Richard Holmes and that of Carl Murty, we can see that,indeed, we should pay more attention to older and more experienced people in order not to make mistakes that can be avoided.</p>