Please Grade My SAT Essay! Thanks :)

<p>Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it?</p>

<p>When we hear the term hero we generally think of brazen acts of boldness, people who risk their lives for magnanimous cases and physical strength. While this description could easily fit the title of “ superhero” there are other important facets of ‘heroism’ that we tend of ignore. Anyone could be a hero: a person who speaks their mind when face adversity, or someone who refuses to give up what they believe in , no matter what happens.</p>

<p>Throughout the course of history we have observed that oppression results to revolution and this results in the rise of , a hero. Less than a century ago black suffarage was very common. It had become a way of life. With this, we saw the emergence of a great hero for the masses; Martin Luther King. At a time when people thought there was no hope for the empowerment for the African natives in their own land, MLK rightfully accepted the position as the leader of the civil rights movement.He changed a social structure which had been passed from decade to decade, through the power of , his voice.</p>

<p>Furthermore, with the example of people such as Erin Brockovich , a simple legal clerk , who despite the lack of a formal law school education, or any legal education, was instrumental in constructing a case against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for contamination of drinking water in Hinkley. She stood up for what she belived was wrong , and save the lives of hundreds of innocent people at a time when no one dared to say a word against the “ big companies”. </p>

<p>The literary world is also full with examples. In Harper Lee’s classic masterpiece To Kill A Mockingbird , Atticus Finch emerges as a true hero. Atticus Finch is a hero because he defended a black man in court,during a time when they were thought to be lower than everyone else. </p>

<p>Hence, we see from the above examples that a hero is not just someone who jumps from fire blazing buildings or rescues people from catastrophes it could be a common man who stands up against the ‘wrong’ that is happening in society.</p>

<p>Elite… /10char</p>

<p>A straight up 5 and if the other reader is sympathetic, a 6…so maybe around a 10-12 if they don’t take into consideration the frequent grammatical errors and overuse of commas. :P</p>