<p>i'm just a junior and i'll be taking the SATs soon... but i reallly messed up freshman year. i had like a 4.1 or 4.2 ish and I got one C and it really screweed up everything. but sophmore year i got to about 4.5 with only like one b then this year i'm at 4.6 about, maybe 4.7. would you please provide information as to which schools DO NOT look at freshmen grades? i did decent on the PSAT. and i want to go to an ivy but i think im just average. and im not super extraordinary in anything really. so and chances?? id love it if youd reply.. thanks!!!</p>
<p>sorry i forgot to mention that.... those were weighted gpa's. so please help; thank you!</p>
<li>All the Ivies look at Freshman grades.</li>
<li>A weigted 4.7 ain't bad.</li>
<li>The top schools tend to look at your total record - grades, class rank, SATs, SATIIs, ECs, rigor of courses you took.</li>
<li>Nobody can guess if you will be a competitive applicant for an Ivy until you have all or most of your record on hand. When you have most of that stuff, come back and post it, and then maybe a few people here will be able to give you a reasonable assessment.</li>
<p>"i did decent on the PSAT. and i want to go to an ivy but i think im just average."</p>
<p>Average people don't go to Ivies. They just don't; those are the breaks. So don't get all stressed about it, and figure out where you can really get in and thrive.</p>
<p>Why do you want to go "there"? And "there" can be so different - Cornell is more like UMichigan than it is like Princeton; Dartmouth is more like Williams than it is like Penn; Columbia's program has virtually nothing in common with Brown's.</p>
1. All the Ivies look at Freshman grades.
<p>I dont think Princeton does.</p>
<p>I also don't think Princeton looks at freshman grades. This isn't an Ivy, but you can't just apply to all Ivy's...Michigan doesn't look at freshman grades.</p>
<p>you to have to keep in mind that there are tons of people who apply (and get denied) to ivies who have perfect school records...</p>
<p>Also, although it may be advantageious to be extraordinarily smart and apply to the ivies, I dont think it is necessary. I mean, let's say you excel at a sport or something and u're really good. You could get accepted. There' no telling what admission officers are up to. They want people who are focused and passionate, and if you're only concerned about getting the grade then there may be a high chance that you'll get rejected. In essense, you should be all rounded. Don't feel bad that you didnt get into an ivy because you may not be a person that has found a passion that you do exceptional in. And to me, because you say that you want to go to an ivy and you are average........that just shows you're going for the prestige. It is true that many people just wanna go for prestige but trust me, prestige isnt important. Also, you said that you probably wont get in. Even though your chance of admissiion may be very low, do not feel dejected. You first have to decide whether you will be able to handle the rigorous worlkoad that ivy league colleges make you do. If not, maybe your'e not ready. Not everybody is. Intelligence does not guarantee suceess. So be happy. :)</p>