Please help me choose a school

Help Needed!

I am a transfer student majoring in philosophy. I applied to transfer to several UC and CSU schools for Fall 2022. I will get my associates in philosophy this spring. I have not received all of my decisions yet but I am having a hard time choosing my top schools. Below are the schools I applied to / decisions. Please rank them in the order you would choose.

Reason I am posting this is because some of the schools that I am waiting on decisions from don’t post them till very, very late in April. I have to accept an offer by May 1st. This doesn’t give me much time to think about it. I am very indecisive and feel like this decision will drastically impact the rest of my life and could really use some advice/input. Every time I think I have my list in order I second guess and have to start over.

SDSU - accepted
CSU Long Beach - accepted
Cal State LA - accepted
Cal Poly Pomona - accepted
UC Santa Cruz - accepted

UC Irvine - denied

UC Santa Barbara - no decision yet
UC San Diego - no decision yet
UCLA - no decision yet
UC Berkeley - no decision yet

The issue it that we are not you. We don’t know if you want a large university vs. something smaller. Budget? Weather preferences? Proximity to airports and ease of transfer? Major strengths in each school.

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If you are a transfer student, you should have until June 1 to decide.

Here is the link to the UC page Transfer students admitted for fall must submit the SIR by June 1.

The CSU’s have an SIR date for transfers on May 1.

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Ugh! That’s frustrating.

Then I agree with Aunt Bea. Tell us a bit about yourself and what you are looking for in a school.

I have no location preferences and my gf finances my education. I only have two years left so weather and proximity to airports does not matter to me. I want to go to law school after completing my undergraduate degree. My end game is the law school and getting in to the best possible undergrad in order to boost my law school application. I have a good practice LSAT score, GPA, extra curriculars, and letters of recommendation but I really can’t figure out what school would put me in a better place for law school. Do you have any insight for me?

Thank you for responding, my anxiety around this is eating me alive and I haven’t been able to get a lot of advice from friends or family.

Yes I responded to @aunt_bea with a bit of background. This is my first time on this website and first thread. Thank you all for the advice/responses. I appreciate any insight you may have. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Consider lower cost (to save money for law school) and where you can get the highest college GPA (note that law schools recalculate college GPA, and if your college does A+ grades and you earn some, those can count as >4.0 in the law school recalculation).

Curious if you applied to similar caliber schools as a hs senior and were not accepted? Or did you choose the current school with the plan to transfer?

CSULB and SDSU come up as the better state schools for a Philosophy major from your list. That said, I agree with @ucbalumnus in that you want to keep costs low for Undergrad and find a school where you can excel since you will be applying to Law school. Are any of these schools within commuting distance?

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GF…grandfather or girlfriend? Any chance one of these is closer to the person who is doing the financing so you can see them more often?

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My girlfriend and I are prepared to move to which ever school I choose. She never went to college but supports me and just wants me to pick one.

I graduated high school early at 16 and went straight into the workforce. I didn’t go to community college until 23.

I sent you a message. Please read it.

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Update: Accepted into UC Berkeley, Waitlisted at UC Santa Barbara,