I am unable to visit colleges this summer. But, from my online research, I know that cornell and northwestern will have excellent resources for me. Do you guys think that I should apply ed to one of these colleges in order to boost my chances?
<p>Everyone on here will say that no one can even come close to helping you decide that without some sort of information about you.</p>
<p>I can't visit any colleges because I was taking care of my mom, who was just admitted to the hospital again. Oh, i'm adding wellesley in addition to cornell and northwestern.</p>
<p>My stats</p>
<p>act=29 (1st time, but will retake HOPING(NOT GUARENTEED) for 30 or above)
satII us history(700) chemistry (730)
10 ap (Most rigorous possible) (scored mostly 4 and a few 5)by end of senior year (mostly A and A-) AP scholar with distinction
no class rank, but would be top 3% out of 700 students.
cello player since 4ht grade, amnesty international (10,11,12), math team(11, 12) nhs (11,12) volunteer at hospital(11,12) tutor children(10,11,12), led a mandatory class of about 20 students (only leadership)
first generation college person, biracial (asian caucasion), disadvantaged (low income, parent at mental hospital, divorced, all happened during high school but managed to keep up my grades) Planning on an excellent essay and decent recs.</p>
<p>I would say you have a good shot at all of those schools if you can make yourself standout</p>
<p>does anyone else have any advice?</p>
<p>I would advise you to not apply EC without visiting, but I realize your sitution is unique. Only you can make the decision which school you want to apply too. Remember, Cornell is extremely isolated, Wellesley is all girls, and Northwestern is located right in the city. Those are three VERY different colleges, so before you apply ED, make sure you know what you want.</p>
<p>Also, for most schools, especially highly selective ones, applying ED doesn't really boost your chances because although there is a smaller applicant pool, those applicants are likely to be more qualified and more eager to attend.</p>
<p>honestly, what do you think my chances are for regular decision?</p>
<p>Hm...the ever infamous chances question. (I just went through this process last year, don't worry you'll survive :).) Honestly, no one can tell you what your chances are for getting into a college. Generally, though, think of test scores/grades/course rigor/class rank as your foundation. The better those are, the greater shot you have...however, what really puts you over the top are the intangibles: the recs, the essays, the ECs.</p>
<p>I think you have a decent chance with RD provided you get your ACTs (or standardized test scores) up, in general. Personally, I wouldn't apply ED to any colleges that I haven't visited, but that's just me. If you can scope out the college, and you believe that that's enough, online or by word-of-mouth, go for it. Along with the others, I suggest you make yourself stand out in the essay (heh, who doesn't want to do this?).</p>
<p>does anyone else have any more ideas?</p>