Please help me?! NMSC for PSAT or no?

<p>i got a 186 on the PSAT and got my score report about 2 weeks ago. On it, it said that if their was an (*) next to your selection index, you do not meet the requirements to enter the competition. I didn't have one next to my score. I live in NY. Does this mean anything? It seems a little low to actually win something but I don't know. If so, when should I be notified?</p>

<p>my score report doesn't say anything else on this. thanks a lot!</p>

<p>whether you have an asterisk means ** solely whether you can enter the competition or not ** I got a 209 and I know I didn’t get NMSF because New York’s cutoff fluctuates betwen 216-219</p>

<p>ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay thanks haha</p>

<p>Nope 186 will not even get commended… </p>

<p>sorry =(</p>

<p>the star is for sophomores who took the test</p>

<p>gah and your hopes are shot down…</p>

<p>LOL i know… whadever though</p>