Please help me... Thinking of Withdrawing...

<p>Hi, I am a Freshman in Queens College in N.Y.
I am taking american politic class, and this class is really killing me....
I am majoring in business, so this class is not my major class.
I am getting C in this class right now...
There are two more exams left.
I think the best I can get might be B? or maybe B-.
I know for sure I can get C.
Still... in my college B- is not that good. I don't know about other colleges but in my college B- = gpa 2.7</p>

<p>I don't like this class. It is really boring.
Thinking of transfering...
I want to withdraws this class but scared of the consequences I will get when I transfer or going to Grad school.</p>

<p>Please help me... Thank you...</p>

<p>anybody please?
Is grading scale different in every college?
So If I get B- which is 2.7 in Queens College can be different in other college?</p>

<p>It depends on how they report the grades. 2.7 sounds reasonable for a B- since a 3.0 is supposed to be a B. Withdrawing means that you'll end up with a W on your transcript. That's not a good thing, but one W isn't necessarily a bad thing. I don't really think it will affect your chances to transfer, but it may if you are applying to the ivies and the like.</p>

<p>judging by your writing, it seems like you're struggling because you don't know how to write well. improve your writing and get into the subject matter, I'm a poli-sci student, poli-sci is 90% knowing how to BS.</p>

<p>and business students have to take PS classes in college so get ready.</p>

<p>i agree. PS is mainly about how well you can BS, especially at a liberal arts college</p>

<p> to your advisor. It may be beneficial to drop the class and take the W rather than continue a class that you find not worthwhile. Is there another one you can pick up instead? If you are working toward a BA, you may find you have to take some classes that you do not naturally graviate towards, but provide an overview of different schools of thought and policy.G'Luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the ideas.
punkdudeus/ do you think i should not drop the class and just practice writing and I will do fine in PS?</p>

<p>I envy you if you think a B- is bad.</p>

<p>well, I don't think B- is bad...
But, I am not guaranteed to get B-...
I think i might get C+ if I continue....
I can't seem to focus in this class. This class does not interest me.
should I just do pass/ No credit? or is this worse than W when I transfer?</p>

<p>As a freshman, you should not be worrying about grad school. Withdraw or stay in and work hard, but, whichever course of action you take, if you relax and enjoy school it will be the right thing to do. Don't be so hard on yourself.</p>

<p>thank you icy9ff8, however, I think reality is different... and I don't worry about grad school, but I worry about transfering...
Today is the last decision day for withdrawing.... So stressing ...</p>