Please help me

<p>I have a 640 verbal score now, but i need around a 700 by the January test. My strong points are analogies and sentence completions. My only weak point is the critical reading. What should i read or do? What SAT books are good for the critical reading? What novels?</p>

<p>read anything and everything. start reading the newspaper, read classics, read really hard to push through lit like dickens or something and practice REMEMBERING. the really important thing to do on the test is just to read carefully. i got a 780 and i'm not that hot or fast of a reader, but if youre just conscious of what youre reading and try to like relate to it very specifically when youre doing it - paraphrase as you go, underline key words, follow the story line in your head - you'll remember more, and you'll be faster and more accurate on the comprehension questions. but do practice. i don't know, a variety of literature - i used the princeton review book, but i mostly used it for vocab stuff.</p>

<p>If you can find someone you can discuss literature passage with it may also help. Doing so will force you to paraphrase the material as courtette suggests. If you miss something when paraphrasing, your discussion partner may pick up on it. Helped my son in this fashion - 790V.</p>

<p>Edit - my son read Godel Escher Bach before the test. Might help if you are a math person.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>Read, read, 'til your eyes bleed! That's my only advice.</p>