<p>I heard that Notre Dame has around an 80% yield for its students matriculating into Medical Schools. Yet I am skeptical on how accomplished its pre medical program is? Since Notre Dame doesn't have a medical school of its own, is there at least a hosptial close by where ugrads can gain some volunteer experience or intern? </p>
<p>Im still learning about what criteria exactly med schools look for most in their candidates (well aside from Ugrad Grades and MCAT scores), but I would assume that a student who has never set foot in a hospital would be less likely to be accepted over one who has been in and out of one, volunteering and interning, for his/her entire undergraduate years.</p>
<p>Is there a source of statistics anyone knows about? I know U.S. News has undergraduate business and engineering rankings... but what about premed? </p>
<p>Finally-a more specific question- which school would you recommend solely on premedical preparation alone: NYU or Notre Dame? ... and does anyone have statistics on NYU's medical school yield?</p>