Please help sat question im so confuseded

<p>ok so i got a 1930 on my sat and im indian(no minority help)</p>

<p>so i have a 690 chem and 590 math 1 subject</p>

<p>should i retake the january for subjects and get 2 760's(i assume i can get them if i study)</p>

<p>or retake january and get a 2100 and keep my 690 and 590. </p>

<p>please help me i dont know what to do, which one is better?</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation actually, but in january I’m going to retake the subject tests (Math II and lit) and hopefully those will be 700+ to make up for average 650ish math and CR SAT I scores :/…</p>

<p>Maybe you can take the subject tests and the ACT?</p>

<p>Well the next ACT isnt till like feb :/</p>

<p>unless you have appalling math and science grades in your highschool, which i doubt you would considering you’re applying to columbia, retaking the SAT 1 seems a lot more pressing, i would do that.</p>

<p>is it too late to sign up for the jan sat? when is it anyways? i wasn’t considering retaking my sat 2’s (even though they suck balls) but now im thinking that i should (because they suck balls.)</p>

<p>Dec 26th is the last day to register.</p>

<p>thanks so i guess rechange my test to reasoning? i had it scheduled as subjects?</p>

<p>whats your SAT I breakdown?</p>

<p>go for sat I in my opinion.
although the 590 might hurt.
i know they don’t look at a subject score as a bad one until its in the 500s</p>

<p>thanks crunnk. break down 670 math 630 reading and writing</p>

<p>guess 1 590 wont hurt as bad</p>