<p>I applied to NYU early decision and they said that it's optional to send my first quarter report card. I really need to get in and don't know how the following grades would impact my admission process. Please let me know what you think I should do!! (My school uses letter grades on quarter report cards - i.e. A, B, C, D, F)</p>
<p>AP English 12 - B
AP Economics - A
AP Government and Politics - A
AP Environmental Science - A
AP Spanish - A
AP Calculus AB - A
Social Science Research - A
Physical Education - B</p>
<p>I worried about my B in English and Gym, but I don't know if they are overpowered, per say, by the fact that I am taking such a challenging course load..
<p>gym grades are not factored into GPA’s
as long as you pass the class, (i.e. higher than an F), you’ll graduate, so the gym grades don’t count at all
All A’s in all AP’s, besides English, is amazing so definitely send the grades!</p>
<p>Good job and good luck!, if you can chance that would be great! thanks :)</p>