Please help UC chances

<p>i went from a 2.5 sophomore year to a 4.3 junior year
AP classes--> US History, Microeconomics, & French Language
Honors--> French 4</p>

<p>SAT scores--> US history 760
French with Listening 650</p>

<p>SAT SCORE--> went from a 1500 to a 1730
600 CR & Writing
530 MATH</p>

<p>AP scores--> 5 US history</p>

Associated Student Body
Captain of swim team
Kindergarden teacher aid
Journalism staff writer
Charity Organizations
French Language Tutor
French Honor Society Public Relations Officer</p>

over 1000 work hours--> swim instructor
150 hours of community service--> Lucile Packard Children's Hospital</p>

<p>Intended Major--> History or Medieval Studies</p>

<p>What are my chances for getting into UCSB, UCD, UCI, & UCSD</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>What is your UC GPA?</p>

<p>What is your UC GPA?
Here is the link to UCSD</p>

<p>[UCSD</a> Freshman Comprehensive Review Process (Dec 2004)](<a href=“Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos”>Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos)</p>

<p>3.5 is my UC gpa and i am a CA resident</p>

<p>You have a good rising trend but I think you should add more schools like UCSC, UCR, UCM because of your UC GPA/SAT combination. Good ECs though.</p>

<p>See 2008 admission statistics.
[UC</a> Admissions Statistics](<a href=“]UC”></p>

<p>Wow, why is UCLA’s avg. GPA so much higher than Berkeley’s…
Anyway, UCSB,UCI,UCD,UCSD all are reaches.</p>

<p>UCLA’s average being 4.35 is wrong, if you go to the actual admissions site, UCLA’s actual average GPA is 4.15, so its slightly less than UCB. Anyway, all the schools on your list are questionable, because your SAT is quite low, and your GPA does not bolster your test score.</p>