<p>Hi, I've recently been getting more and more stressed about not being able to get into a school I want to attend, could you just please look at my rough resume and tell me what you think? I want to go into film production and possibly writing for television and films. As of now my top schools are Emerson, NYU, and Florida State.</p>
<p>Cumulative GPA through junior year: 3.19 (Didnt try hard junior year like i should have, ended up being put on ADD medication and that helped me pull it together last quarter)
SAT score (only taken it one time): 1710
ACT score (only taken it one time): 30 composite (35 english)
Two AP classes junior year, taking three AP classes next year. Took AP english test but still awaiting results.
Good amount of extracurriculars
Plan to retake both SAT and ACT, hopefully take advantage of superscoring. also, didnt study at all for SAT or ACT before i took them so if i study i know i could bump the scores up.</p>
<p>Please tell me what you think and offer your serious opinion</p>