Please help

I was reviewing my uc application yesterday, and I noticed that some of my activities had been deleted, one of my grades were lowered, and also that entire paragraphs of my personal insight questions had been changed and I definitely did not do this.

If I contact the uc admissions, would they give me the IP addresses of those who logged into my account? Could I take legal action? I’m so worried!

I would contact your admissions counselor and inform them of discrepancies. If someone did alter your application most likely yours was not the only one. It is also possible that there was someone else with your name that also submitted and things got mixed up. If you can access exactly what you submitted, ask if they want you to send a mailed copy to show the differences.

Did you print a copy of your original submitted application? I had my son’s print out copies to keep just in case there were issues.

@Gumbymom @GloriaVaughn I contacted my admissions counselor, and no I didn’t print out the original copy. My counselor said that the only thing I can do I email UC system my original application and hope they get it in time. Do you think I can contact the UC office and tell them that my application is wrong? I’m just not sure if they would believe me, which is why I want the IP addresses or proof that I wasn’t the one making the changes.

bump plz

Do it. Fill out the UC app and print. Send a hard copy along with online submission. I’d email the dean of admissions too. If there is systematic tampering they need to know. Even if it’s something less sinister like a programming error or a filing issue (happens when applicants share names with others/current or past students) they should know. I wouldn’t worry too much about being believed because it wasn’t just your essay altered. You have your official transcript to back up the grades you earned, and what possible motive would you have for lowering your own grades? On the other hand, there’s all kinds of motive for tampering with other peoples’ applications.

Don’t make accusations and don’t expect them to give you an IP. If there is an issue, it will likely be handled internally. In any case, a hacker in the system looks really bad for the school. You’re not accusing, just “bringing it to his/her attention” that something went askew with your application and potentially with other applicants’ as well. “I’d like to ensure that my application is assessed based on accurate information.”

@GloriaVaughn thank you for all your help. Do you know if admissions counselor actually read every single personal insight question or just choose one or two to read?

@collegegirl1232 admits go before a committee of at least 3 or 4 people. They read the insight questions. How carefully they read it depends on if your on the boarder for admittance or up for scholarship. Those they read more carefully. If you applied for say the English program or Writing program etc., they will read it very carefully.

@GloriaVaughn okay thanks! I applied for humanities like history, sociology and such, would I have an better chance for admission than say business or engineering?

@collegegirl1232 I’m not terribly familiar with UC’s demographics, so I can’t say which would be harder to get into. I do know that if your essay isn’t good, they’re more likely to take a chem major who can’t write rather than a philosophy major who can’t write. I’ve been on a scholarship review committee and we read the essays with a degree of scrutiny. It doesn’t matter how bright you are if you can’t articulate your thoughts in a way that others understand. That communication is more important in some fields than others.