<p>I am a community college student in Brooklyn, NY with a 2.0 GPA but I have one more semester b4 I graduate so most likely my average will raise to a 2.5 or better (average low due to a family emergency). I want to attend a 4 year Liberal Arts college in-state or out-state (but not too far from NYC) with 3D animation,Computer Graphics/Art. Preferably with on campus housing and not too much of a high tuition. I will have my Associate Degree in January and would like to start classes at a 4yr in Spring 2006.</p>
<p>Do you know of any colleges that I might have a chance of getting accepted to that fall under the preferences I listed? </p>
<p>Do you know what would be a good safety school for me as well?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance,
A Transfer Student</p>