Please I am loseing control anyone please help

<p>ok I am currently trying to transfer from North Shore community college, I have earned a 2.17 from 1st semester and a 2.75 from this semester I am trying to transfer to Mount Ida, Curry College, Merrimack College, Salem State, and Gordon. I have a great reccomentdation letter from a ph.d proffesor and a great college essay, since I am transferring some school want my high school transcript, which I did really bad in high school, so what are my chances, also I have improved from high school and north shore drastically like 1.2 then northshore 2.17 then 2.75 and my total gpa is 2.46 from North Shore. thank you</p>

<p>if you are trying to transfer into community college.. i'd say your chances of being accepted are about ..100%ish if i had to guess.</p>

<p>nvilla: The poster is trying to transfer FROM N Shore CC into one of the colleges.</p>

<p>That being said, congratulations amicone on improving in CC from your HS career. It's not easy by any means and you should feel proud of your accomplishment. My advice to you would be to talk to the transfer counselor at N Shore and see what he/she recommends. They're the ones who assist those who move onto 4-year degree programs. They'll also bluntly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses -- be prepared if perhaps you may need to take a few more classes. If I were to guess, some of the CC classes you've taken are more or less equivalent to some classes that were offered in HS, right? Moving onto 4-year collegiate level classes will be your next big hurdle.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you! If only more would have your determination to not let a poor HS career hold them back.</p>

<p>if you look on on this website Mount</a> Ida College- College Overview
my number one college is mount ida, the gpa expectation is atleast a 2.0 and I have a 2.46 im just nervous, I did bad in high school and now I am mature, and can benefit in a 4 year college, I dont want to go back to a Community College. any help would be great</p>