<p>HELLO! i sent in my application for fall '09, but my gpa is only based off of 8 classes. PLEASE CHANCE ME!! i really don't want to stay at cc another year.</p>
<p>dream school: UCSD
GPA: 3.347
major: human biology</p>
<p>It is going to get tougher to transfer to UCs with less than 60 transferable credits. The CSUs are cracking down on this already. Read up on the financial budget crisis going on in California! Have a plan “B” ready.</p>
<p>You have decent chance. However, GPA is only one factor. </p>
<p>Other factors: Do you have IGETC? how many required courses are you still missing (preferably 0) ? Do you do TAG with UCSD (highly recommended)? How is your essay? Any extra-curriculum activities and so on…</p>
<p>Remember UCs look for well-rounded students so they use many factors to judge the students.</p>
<p>kevin101: i will have finished IGETC by spring
i’m not sure about how many of my major classes i have to take; i dont think i have to take ALL of them, but i will have finished 8/12 by spring
i haven’t TAG-ed with UCSD, but i’m hoping to do it for winter
my essay is pretty solid, not sure that to rank it, but i believe it was good.
i dont have any extracurriculars except kickboxing and work.</p>
<p>also, i have 36 units counted in for my gpa.</p>
<p>can you please give me more advice? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i really, really appreciate it!! :)</p>
<p>You should complete all the major courses in the requirement to boost your chance of admission. You better get TAG if possible but if not, it is still fine. You are fine with the essay from your description. If you don’t have, it is ok too but it would be better if you have. </p>
<p>In addition to Malishka31’s comment:
If you ONLY take courses at “COMMUNITY COLLEGEs” the unit limit would NOT apply here. Therefore, in Turkeey’s case where he/she takes all classes at community college, the unit limit does NOT apply.</p>
<p>*Off topics, Malishka31, you seem familiar… were you a long time member here too? I think i saw your nickname like 2 years ago when I was transferring to UCLA. You also Chose UCLA too right?</p>
<p>okaaaay, here’s my updated info!
sorry i’m new to this :P</p>
<p>dream school: UCSD
GPA: 3.347 (only based off 36 units, but i will finish 90 by spring)
major: Human Biology
extracurriculars: hip hop, kickboxing
work: almost 2 years as a secretary at an SAT prep center, only 15 hours/week
essay: i pretty much re-used my high school ones, but i had those edited a LOT. i wrote about how i was really bad in colorguard/choir in high school, but didn’t give up and got a lot better. my other one about my major was weaker because i didn’t really have any experience in the field.
IGETC: will have been completed
major pre-reqs: only 9/12 would have been finished by spring :/</p>
<p>extra info:
i’m also trying to do a one-year transfer, if that affects me in any way…
took 25 units in fall, will take 34 in winter, and 34 in spring [does UCSD give me more leniency for my weak gpa due to taking a lot of units?]
my gpa would have been a 3.51, but it was dragged down by a class i took a few years ago for high school credit [i got a “C”, back then, i didn’t know it would affect me because i thought it ONLY counted for high school credit]
i messed up in high school, but i improved a LOT [soph year: 2.7, junior year: 3.5, senior year: 4.0]</p>
thanks for all the help!!</p>
<p>Sorry buddy but your shot doesn’t look good at all this year. Gpa is below avg… bio is super-impacted at ucsd… everyone wants to get out of cc asap but a two-year transfer is much more likely in your situation. You won’t get any leniency for the somewhat low gpa due to you trying to cram it all in one year. BTW the ec’s/ essay won’t play any role in admissions to ucsd so they are basically only going off gpa (which is below the avg admit, that why I say your chance is not so great)</p>
<p>I don’t know how you people know if I will be accepted or not, but here it goes…</p>
<p>community college transfer (Berkeley City College)
e.c in boy scouts, volunteering, lifeguarding, church volunteering
awards in basketball,swimming, leadership awards in boy scouts
employed every semester since starting comm. coll. in 2003
traveling experience
California native
Parents both went to Berkeley
23 yrs old</p>
<p>I also would like some advice with my stats:</p>
<p>California Community College
EC : working at a Medical Center ~1 year, job shadow with psychiatrist
Major Psychology
GPA: 3.8 no honors
IGETC: complete
PreReqs: Both schools completed
Dream School: UC berkeley / UCLA</p>
<p>Because I am not in honors, would another student with a 3.5 GPA with honors classes have a higher chance in transferring than me?</p>
<p>& Would it have even helped to have a 2-3 honors classes but not be in the honors program?</p>