Please, please tell me I'm not screwed


<p>Ok, so I was incredibly stupid and wrote down the interview request deadline as December 15, not November 15, and Bates obviously loves their interviews. I called last week and the girl on the phone told me to make sure my essay was very good, but I’m already on that. My guidance counselor emailed my regional admissions person too, so hopefully there will be a reply in her inbox on Monday. I did apply somewhere else ED though, so I hope if Bates cares enough and gives me leeway they won’t be mad if I don’t ultimately apply. I don’t want it to reflect badly on me or my school. However, I’m no shoo-in for my ED and Bates is around my second choice, and will move up the list if I get deferred/rejected.</p>

<p>I’m a pretty strong applicant besides this giant mishap and have a very significant alumni connection. I truly love Bates. I’m just slightly disorganized at times.</p>

<p>I know it’s “possible” to be admitted without an interview, but, truthfully, am I totally screwed?!?</p>

<p>Hm. Well, if this helps, my S was rejected from Bates w/interview, and his best friend, who never even stepped on campus and applied only because S told him to, was accepted.</p>

<p>OTOH he was accepted at and attends Williams, so it’s all good, as he would say.</p>

<p>You go where you’re meant to go. Please don’t stress.</p>

<p>Oh, the vagaries of college admissions. Thanks for the optimism!</p>