Please rate my Freshman Fall Schedule (important - CalSO on monday!)

<p>That's not bad. 8AM-3PM, just like high school.</p>

<p>You do have quite a bit of gaps but it's fine, it'll give you time to stroll to your next class and pickup a snack along the way.</p>

<p>Like on Friday from Physics Lecture to CS Discussion, you can stop at the Terrace Cafe and grab something to drink or eat. I actually started drinking milk a lot more because I had a schedule like this, across campus in the morning with Terrace in the middle.</p>

<p>LeConte is close to the units so you can go back after that class and you have a nice time shceduled for lunch.</p>

<p>Also, TuTh math discussions are nice, you get more time to go over problems. If you look at some of the problems, they can take at a minimum of 30 minutes to do!</p>

<p>Awesome. Well I guess that's it. Thanks for all the help DarkPyr0! If this was the IGN boards I would've WUL'd you but alas there's nothing like that here. In any case hope I see you around at Cal. I'll be at Unit 1.</p>

<p>Thanks again! I owe you a great lot!</p>

<p>Yay another gamer. :)</p>

<p>Welcome to EECS.</p>

<p>I'll be trapped in Soda (where all my classes are) and Etchvarry (where I work). I don't think I'll see the south side of campus for a while.</p>

<p>So thanks a lot DarkPyr0! I just came back from CalSO and I signed up for both Physics and CS61A. Waiting 'till July 27 to finish Phase II. The advisior OK'd my plan except she was worried about me being in an upper div History class my freshman year. As she said I can always drop one.</p>


<p>Hah, I never got my History 'approved' by my faculty advisor since it was an after thought.</p>

<p>My faculty advisor was also hesitant to approve my Fall 06 schedue (5 tech classes = idiocy) but I just said I'll drop one class if I can't handle the load.</p>

<p>Well yea she said my three tech classes could be too much for a Freshman. She even wrote that she is worried with CS61A because I also had Physics. But I consider myself very comfortable with CS, so I'm not worrying about that :p</p>

<p>61A is a chill class. The work load is just a short simple homework assignment once week and a small project once every few weeks.</p>

<p>Math will have more work with 3 problem sets per week and a quiz once a week.</p>

<p>Physics is a problem set once a week (You'll learn to hate - online homework, horrible system).</p>

<p>And history will just be reading.</p>

<p>You'll be fine.</p>

<p>Doesn't sound like the hell prophesized. :p</p>

<p>I love reading so I got no problem with that. Writing I have a problem. :p</p>