Please REPLY

<p>I know there are plenty of people hear asking these questions but just checking.
MIT, DUKE, Stanford, Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt, Rice OR LESS</p>

<p>African American Male from Louisiana
Want Engineering Degree
ACT: 28(bad i know but 35-Math)
SAT in April plus retake ACT so maybe 1350, 30
Should I take SAT II Math 1 or 2?</p>

<p>3.94 GPA uw, 4.3 w (School only offers a few Honors)
End of this year 11 Honors 4 for Next year so 15 total
2 APs Calculus and Physics next year
rank around 5 of 210
District Rally 10th Grade Chemistry
District Rally 11th Grade Trigonometry
Probably National Acheivement Scholar</p>

Spanish Club
10th Treasurer of National Junior Honor Society
National Honor Society
Whose who among High School Students
Student Ministry one of 7 Juniors selected for a majority Senior activity
9-12 Track
Ran in State indoor meet 11th grade 7th in State
11,12 Cross Country
Selected to District Honor Choir 11th grade</p>


<p>"whose who among hs students" is not worth anything.</p>

<p>Your chances are excellent. Apply to all those schools & safeties and take math IIC if you can score well on it.</p>

<p>You have a great shot at getting into those schools. Keep in mind, however, that the overwhelming majority of the students who will be in your engineering classes have scored 34-36 ACT and 1500+ SAT I and II. It may be difficult to keep up. This is heady stuff.</p>

<p>Do you have your heart set on being an engineer, or is the "name" of the school more important? If the latter is true, you might be better off in the College of Arts and Sciences. Most of these schools have very flexible majors which incorporate science with humanities into some very interesting majors.</p>

<p>I aint DUMB I just cant do teh verbal parts of the SAT and read passages under pressure. However when it comes to teh Math and Sciences i kick ass so dont tell me to switch to Arts and Humanities. My boy who i kill in school got a 33 just because he knows how to do those Standardized tests. I dont do well but i pick up concepts just as quick as anyone. </p>

<p>So NEVER question my ability in Engineering</p>

<p>Don't get defensive; it was just a suggestion. If you love engineering and want to be an engineer, more power to you.</p>

<p>As it were, it might be worth it to look into a review course for the standardized testing thing. At the very least, pick up a review book. (I used "The SAT I For Dummies" and was a National Merit Scholar... no shame in the Dummies series, and it's fun to read, so I actually read it.) Standardized testing is a game, and you've got to know how the system works to work the system. There are various tips and tricks that you can use that have nothing to do with how well you read or how many vocabulary words you know so that you can improve your scores on the SATs and ACTs. Sounds like you'd get the hang of how to play the game pretty quickly, and I'd say you've got an excellent chance of improving your scores by a fair margin, with a little elbow grease and studying.</p>

<p>Best of luck! Your extracurriculars are great and your grades look great, too, so with that extra boost from the test prep you should be able to get into a fair number of the places you mention.</p>