Please share experience about Virginia Tech for pre-med and neuroscience

I am a high school senior. I am looking for input regarding neuroscience program and pre-med opportunities at Virginia Tech. How difficult is it to get any volunteer/shadowing opportunities and how is Virginia Tech in general for students want to pursue medicine?

I can’t answer your question so hopefully others will chime in. But I did want to suggest that you request a call with a prehealth advisor at VT. My premed kid did this for all her top choices to help with her decision, one of which was rural so she had concerns about shadowing opportunities.

Best of luck and congratulations!


You need to check on health career advising at Va Tech.

But join the neuroscience club. You bring the number to 6 of posters I’ve seen just this last two weeks who want to major in this as undergrads.

I guess I wonder….why?


Thank you both for responding. I will schedule a call.

Any other feedback from other community members is much appreciated.

It looks like they offer shadowing on campus - maybe another thing to ask about during your call.

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