I’m currently attending St. Louis Community college and I would love to transfer to an awesome four year university. I have made a list of universities that I think I might have a shot at. My biggest problem is that I CANNOT afford the out of state tuition unless I get some sort of institutional grant or scholarship. And I also messed up my SATs and High school record. I would really appreciate if you guys could chance me in these universities or suggest the best one for me.
Gender- Male
Race- Asian Indian
Major- Mechanical Engineering ( Willing to go for Aerospace as well)
Applying for Fall 2016
Current institution- St. Louis Community college
Current GPA- 3.98
Classes- Calc 1 - A
Calc 2- A
ESC 101 (c++ programming) - A
ESC 100 (Engineering projects)- A
Engineering Physics 1 (calculus based physics) - A
Chemistry 105 - A
ENG 1 (College level English class) - B+
ENG 2 - A
ECON 150 (Introduction to Macro economics ) - A
History 101 ( upto 1865)- A
Photoshop 1 (I know this is random) - A
Currently enrolled in Calc 3 , PHY 2 and a programming class where I expect an A in all the classes.
Would be done with 40+ hours of course work before transfer.
ECs at college- Member of the music club (I play guitar), engineering club and international club.
I’m also into video editing but I don’t have any certificate or club membership to prove that.
Awards and recognition - Dean’s list in all the semesters.
Phi theta kappa member since the second semester
Stood 3rd in college math competition.
Projects- Made a working rube goldberg device with a team.
Volunteer work - Taught math at the local library for sometime.
Awarded with a certificate from the state of Missouri for completing 45 hours of community service with 2
recommendation letters.
Additional responsibility- Part time job at a warehouse.
Recommendations- A letter from my Calc 2 teacher.
A letter from my Calc 1 teacher.
A letter from my current employer ( who btw is an award winning author)
HS GPA - 3.6 ( Completed high school in India )
ECs at school- Performed as a guitarist in various school events.
Represented school as a video editor in 2 competitions.
Won a certificate and a trophy for best band performance.
Participated in tons of national science and cyber Olympiads.
Participated in school play.
SAT score - 1600 (I hate this)
TOEFL score - 110
Universities that I’m considering-
-Texas A&M
- University of Michigan ann arbor
- Purdue University
- Cornell University
- University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.
- University of Southern California
- University of Wisconsin Madison
I know my dreams are a little too big for my qualifications but I would really appreciate if I could get some help/advice from you guys to boost my chances.
Thank you for your time!