<p>We're doing a college visit road trip this summer to see the southern schools on Son's list. Originally, we planned to see
<p>His first SAT is March 14, so we don't have any real scores yet. But, based on practices so far, it looks likes UVA and W&M will be too reachy to include on our trip. :( Oh, well. No big deal. </p>
<p>So, if we bypass Charlottesville and Williamsburg, what other schools can we hit? This will be a car trip, one week, with 2 days unavailable due to family obligations. </p>
Psych major, CJ minor
2500 - 10,000 UG
residential campus, avoiding suitcase and commuter schools</p>
3.6 UW / 4.0 W
SAT projected 1800 - 2050 (strong CR & W, average M)
High quality ECs show passion, not quantity</p>
<p>I would look into High Point. It is very close to Elon so you can make a visit to both in a day. We went on a road trip last October. My daughter visited Richmond and loved it. She thought she would love Elon but did not and ended up really liking High Point. We are still waiting to hear from some schools she has applied to but she has been accepted to High Point and she is truly thinking about it. Again, I think since you are visiting Elon anyway, it would be worth your while to check out High Point.</p>
<p>Yes, pretty much. Our working list of 17 schools only has 3 larger than 10,000.<br>
Maryland - instate flagship for financial reasons
UVA - uber reach
UDel - smaller alternative to UMD, but losing favor</p>
<p>I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Guilford. It’s on the smaller end of your size range (~2700 undergrads), has a nice residential campus in Greensboro (very close to Elon), has a friendly student body, and has very good psych and criminal justice programs (“Justice and Policy Studies”).</p>