Please tell me the likelihood of getting into the school I've picked :)

<p>Hi, I'm applying to Gtown, JHU, and Cornell, as an Econ major. They're all reaches, and I'm applying to Gtown/JHU as a Junior so my chances are better, but Cornell as a 2nd-semester Soph. Do you think i'll get into Cornell? Feel free to chance the others if you like, or suggest a good target/reach school. Thanks!</p>

<p>High School:
GPA - 3.53 UW
SAT - 1360/2130
8 AP classes + couple of honors/advanced
HS ranked in top 15 public schools by NewsWeek
Had a bad Soph year, but gpa has upward trend
5 EC's, 2 leadership positions, 80 hrs Community service, pretty average</p>

New York University
4 Clubs, no leadership positions, some community service
Will apply for Fall 2010 Transfer as a Junior, except to colleges who take Spring transfers, where I'll apply Spring 2010 as a mid year Sophomore
College GPA: 3.7-3.85 range</p>

<p>You look pretty average to me. I would say you have a worse shot transferring than you had applying initially to NYU.</p>

<p>A worse shot - that’s unfortunate. I don’t get why though, because my HS GPA was only 3.53 UW, but my college gpa is over a 3.8 right now…could you explain? Also, is this for all the schools, or just cornell?
thanks I appreciate any feedback about transferring :)</p>

<p>Your GPA is definitely in the range for transfer for all those schools. If you have good essays, strong reqs, and pursue at least one decent EC (quality not quantity), you have a great shot at all of those schools. (Note: Cornell’s CAS acceptance rate was 13% last cycle, if you’re applying for prestige, statistically speaking, UPenn’s SAS would be easier to get into).</p>

<p>It should be noted, however, that getting in as Spring transfer is sometimes more difficult than for Fall transfer. I suggest you do some further research on each of the those schools to see if it is worth it to apply for Spring 2010. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks…well U Penn is a nice school, but I prefer Cornell CAS because it’s a rural environment, whereas penn is in philly and it has that city culture i’m trying to get away from. Anyone else? Maybe I should’ve provided more info…</p>

<p>I’m in the Economics Club, International Relations Club, Student Govt and a Community Service Club (about 40 hours). I might have 1 leadership position by the time I apply this fall. This summer I’m either working, getting an internship, or both - that’s basically all my college EC’s. My Econ prof, who is also head of the Econ club and knows me pretty well, is writing my reccommendation.</p>

<p>So…I’ve had two completely different opinons - anyone else want to take a shot? Do you predict I’ll get in? How much do you think they’ll factor in HS grades?</p>

<p>For these schools, there’s no way to accurately predict whether you will get in. Nonetheless, your GPA+SAT show that you have a shot assuming that you have a compelling reason for transfer and that you effectively communicate your desire to attend those institutions.</p>

<p>Because you are applying as a sophomore to Cornell, the admissions committee may pay more attention to your high school grades when making their final decision. Furthermore, the schools at which you are applying for junior transfer will also consider your high school grades, however, your performance at your current college will be given more weight.</p>