Please visit my thread

<p>I have a thread in the Financial Aid section and I would really like your imput. Can you please visit my thread. I really have no clue on how to transfer the whole thread to the parents forum and I really need advice.</p>

<p>The link to your thread is <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I wish I could be more helpful on your actual situation, but I'm sure the veterans here will be able to give you some good info.</p>

<p>I'm glad that you posted here. There are many nice posters who particularly are willing to advise low income students who are concerned about financial aid and college admissions issues.</p>

<p>BTW, even though you're a student, it's OK to post questions of Parents Forum. Indeed, the parents welcome such posts and usually offer very thoughtful advice.</p>

<p>The only posts from students that parents here don't welcome are the occasional students who come by to offer unsolicited, rude advice to parents -- such as suggesting that parents not post on College Confidential at all!</p>