PLEASEEEEEE Chance me for top prep schools

Chance me for the following schools, I am in 8th grade

GPA- 4.2/4.00
My grades are about 3 As and 5 a plusses
SSAT- 2350, 99th precentile

I am a creative writer. I have started a creative writing club at my school, and my work has been published or is forthcoming publication in national/international literary collections or magazines like the Boston Literary Magazine, the Scottish Hybriddreich, and Beyond Words magazine. I do free verse poetry and creative nonfiction.

I started my own fundraising/volunteer project called FoodShareJoy. We fundraise online and at school through student council, and I arrange visits to homeless shelters around NY to distribute and cook asian cuisine.

I am a 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo and have gong 2h/week for 9 years. I go to tournaments and I am a 4x Hong Ik conference champion. I also organize demostrations at local music halls and farmers markets for my taekwondo school’s demo team to perform at, and I am in the demo team.

I do table tennis, and am the captain of my school’s club and also a member of the Westchester Table tennis center. Before quarantine i used to go to the center and practice for hours on weekends.

I also dabbled in wrestling last year and ended up captaiin of my small 7th grade wrestling team.

FInally, I also do some competitive math and was chosen as one of the 8 kids in my school to join the math team. I got first place in my grade on the AMC 8 as well, and I occasionally instruct beginners.

MY PASSION- this is the key behind my volunteering and writing efforts. I love to share my passions, ideas, and joys with others and this is what pushes me to do what I do

I live in suburban NY. I am an asian male, in 8th grade.

You should be viewed as a very competitive candidate for admission to all 3 schools, in my opinion.

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You are a great candidate, and even so, this probably means you have less than a 50% chance to be admitted to even one of these 3 schools. If going to a great boarding school means a lot to you, apply to more than 3.

@tk0424 I’d agree with Publisher that you seem competitive.
Which means, just to be clear: that you are a solid candidate who will be considered seriously in the application process. The three schools you have selected have (roughly) a 15% admission rate. Most applicants are competitive, which means you have (roughly) a slightly-than-higher-than-15% chance of admission at each of these schools. Simple math tells us that you would likely want to add a few schools to your list if it’s important to you to go to BS.

One other piece that I would add is that we cannot possibly chance you on how much the admissions team will want someone with your profile. Meaning – do they need someone with your ECs? Also: simply do they like you and want to add you to their community? (For example – Are you warm and kind and a joy to interview? We can’t tell.)

We can’t know any of this, and I think it’s a big factor in admissions results.

Bottom line: your profile is solid, but that doesn’t mean you will necessarily (or even “probably”) get in. My gentle suggestion: add more schools.

Thank you all! I will take your suggestions into account and add more schools to my list.

hi ! i am also an applicant this year and I also go to the westchester table tennis club. how good are you at table tennis?

Oh my goodness, so nice to meet you! I have a rating of 1300, so not that good

but I’m probably kind of rusty because of quarantine.

im not a regular member there though, I usually go for tournaments. 1300 is great, you can still improve a lot. whats your name?

im 2000 by the way :smile:

Wow, you are amazing, how old are you? I’m Tane.

I have very little tournament experience by the way- I was going to get involved more, but COVID happenned…