<p>Hey guys..!
See, i have this huge problem! im in my 11th standard now (from india) and am preparing for the IITs, which is probably one of the hardest entrance tests in the world! so that takes up most of my time... but one cant be sure of their success in the iits, so i need a backup plan, and i've been wondering if i should take the sats.</p>
<p>I've always been a good student in school (top 1% in class)
School Rank in CBSE board examinations : 1 out of 105
have won many accolades in competitions.. I am also a Karate blue belt (triple promotion) and a webdesigner. (and a lot of other blah blahs that i dont think you may want to hear)</p>
<p>My question is that suppose i write my SATs without much preparation, and as a result cannot get a perfect score in SAT1, will that ruin my chances of ever getting into the ivy leagues? </p>
<p>Plz help
I'll be forever thankful..</p>