<p>this is a repost, but can you guys just tell me in general how you feel about ohio state’s premed program? Just tell me anything you know either personally, or through your friends, family, etc.</p>
<p>If possible, can you talk about how good the profs are, how accesible they are, how big classes are. But please, if you know something, just put it down here becuase ANYTHING will help. I even did a search but to no avail
So please help</p>
<p>OSU, like almost every undergraduate school, has no premed "program." That's why you're not getting any responses. They have a sheet of paper that says "it is a good idea to take these classes:...to get into medical school," and some advisors from the med school you can talk to, but there is no predetermined program.</p>
<p>What do you really want to know? I'm a pre-med student, but my experience is different from any other given student, because we're all different. I would say pre-med curriculum is hard and tortuous, but I am taking higher-level classes than my 3rd-year pre-med RA, so it's basically my own fault. It depends what classes you want to take, what you major in, and a lot of other things. Just look at what school you like overall, because you may change your mind about pre-med and you'd still want to be happy.</p>