Plz tell me if i hav a shot at Early Action

<p>I'm currently a senior who's taken the toughest classes all year
9th All honor classes Plus AP World History
10th All Honor Classes
11th 3 AP's (Physics B, Psychology, and United States History) and rest all honors
12th got recommended to take 6 AP's (AP Lit, Calc AB, Us and Gov, Micro, Chem, and Bio)
My GPA 3.6 (i know its low but partially it was due to extreme work hours at my families business since my uncle cant work due to stomach cancer)
ACT Score 31
SAT 2 Scores US-History-620, Chem-640</p>

Editor of Features Section for Newspaper Club
Active participant in French and Latin Club
Varsity Golf Player since 9th grade and Team Captain (All-Counties)
Play the violin for hospitals and was in (All-Counties)
Interned at a hospital for 3 years
Volunteer Work at two hospitals (both over 100 hours)
Held a fund raiser at my grandparents country club for Breast Cancer
Junior Varsity Soccer Player (9th and 10th had to stop due to knee surgery)
Went to college credit summer programs and received credits for college (John Hopkins University Program)
Work at family business (25-30 Work hours)
National Honors Society</p>

<p>If any of you guys could tell me what my chances are for Binghamton Early Action would be great because I am still deciding whether to wait it out or just get it over with. Thx!</p>

<p>In-state: no idea; probably a low match
Out of state: in</p>

<p>Agree with Rodney</p>

<p>Last year the average gpa was 3.7 and the average ACT was 28. Based on this info you have a shot. No one is sure what the extra volume of apps this year will mean to new applicants. So far their apps are up 50% above last years. Another concern for many this year concerns dorm space. Last year they had many more people accept admissions spaces than they usually get and this caused a large number of forced triples that still have not been resoved. The school seems overwhelmed. All these factors make admissions this year even more uncertain.</p>

<p>You’re in. To lsd87’s point, I think that the admission standards will rise slightly this year, but nothing major. I also believe that there will be a larger waiting list than usual, but a fairly high acceptance rate off that list due to the number of top students that will choose to go to private schools after they see what financial aid/loans they can get. . Most will end up making the decision to go private despite a shaky economy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about but good luck.</p>

<p>I think you have a great shot, in and out of state, good Luck!</p>

<p>if your in in-state it is easier for you to get in, but looks good to me. you have a great chance.</p>