PLZZ>>>What courses do you need to take in high school for PENN?

<p>hi guys
i’m applying to penn next year, can someone please please please tell me the high school course requirements for wharton/huntsman?
I searched the website but didnt find any…</p>

<p>like language, social science…how many years do i need to take them?</p>

<p>thanks a ton!!!</p>

<p>and good luck on EDDDDD!!!</p>

<p>AP Language and BC Calc are the biggest ones. AP everything else would be recommended. 4 years of english, math, science, history, and language are recommended for Penn in general. Just take what you interests you, but try to make it AP.</p>

<p>Lol, at my school, we only have 2 AP language classes, spanish and french which are both pd.2. We only have one BC Calc class and thats pd. 2 +3.</p>

<p>thx guys
i'm applying from canada so there is no ap in my school=(</p>

<p>but do i really need 4 years of history? is it a must-have?
how about social science, 4 years as well?=((
thx for any input!</p>

<p>ap classes alone won't get you in huntsman, but lack of them will keep you out. do well in math classes, focus on your ecs and show commitment. try your best and you will have a shot.</p>

<p>Thx letmepass</p>

<p>but will lack of history and social science classes hurt me?
i didnt noe about all the requirements until this year
and canadian schools dont require those</p>

<p>if i dont have enough credits for history, does that mean i cant even apply?</p>



<p>Calm down, buddy. Give us more than an hour to respond, especially when CC is going crazy and, more importantly, when we have tomorrow to worry about. Penn doesn't have requirements, just suggestions for what courses to take in high school. So no, you won't be automatically rejected for not having taken enough social studies courses.</p>

<p>For Penn in general, I think you need 4 years of Math, 4 years of English, 4 years of science, 4 years of history, and 4 years of the same language. These are not rigid, but it is best if you have all of this. Note: government classes count as history. When I say history, I mean more social sciences classes.</p>

<p>are some of the liberal arts classes as big an issue for SEAS applicants? I mean, it is really necessary for an engineering student to have taken 4 years of the same language?</p>

<p>Penn suggests that you take four years of the same language for CAS, but for Wharton/HM they suggest that you already have a year of calc.</p>

<p>huntsman's pretty selective, so just take the most rigorous courses offered. from what u posted, it seems ur unwilling to take the harder courses? i dont know. that's just an assumption i made. i could be wrong, but they wanna see that u challenged urself in all areas, not merely the ones ur good in. id recommend sticking with a consistent record of 4 years of each core course. if you don't have AP, just try to take the hardest courses your school offers.</p>

<p>well i have everything except for history and social science</p>

<p>our school only offers 3 history so LOL</p>

<p>and I dont really understand what is defined as a social science
because in our school, its called canaidna studies and blablabla</p>

<p>all the social sicences are non challenging courses such as parenting(no offence)...</p>

<p>can some one tell me what social science is? like geography, economics and law?</p>

<p>thanks for your input!!!</p>

<p>good luck to all EDers!!</p>


<p>to venkater: when you said 4 years of history, does that mean 4 years of history or 4 years of history or social science?</p>

<p>Thanks a ton</p>

<p>Again, good luck!!!=P</p>

<p>If your school does not offer it, Penn won't hold it against you for not taking it.</p>

<p>I did not take AP spanish 5 but I took spanish 2, 3, and 4 so hopefully that will count as 4 languages even though I actually only took 3 classes.</p>

<p>Anyway the teacher is crazy and the class is the exact same as spanish 4.</p>

<p>I honestly learned more in Spanish 1 than I did in all 3 years because we simply did busy work. but w/e</p>

<p>thanks so much guys!</p>

<p>I'm planning to take chemistry in night school so i can squeeze in 2 histories in my time table</p>

<p>do you think it looks bad for me to take chemistry in night school?</p>


<p>and GOOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>i dont think it will look bad, do you think it is possible to take it over the summer? that might be a little less stressful on you</p>

<p>thanks Pyar
but I heard that Canadian universities look down upon summer school marks, then generally do this to ur score--score*0.9
so I want to squeeze it =)</p>

<p>thanks for your input!!!</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK! (i know you are Ed ing)=)</p>

<p>thanks :), if you are applying to penn then i dont think it matters if you take the course over the summer as long as you take it from a respectable institution</p>