Point park university heads up

<p>I would stay clear of point park university especially regarding musical theater. The school is bottom rung as far as ratings are concerned. They brag about the three grads who have minor careers in theater. If you plan to perform as snow white this could be your cup of tea . The faculty is primarily adjunct and therefore not truly connected with students. The dorm facility (Lawrence hall) Is a true disgrace. What I found as a parent is that the faculty has little regard for the rules regarding protocol in certain areas which is unacceptable. I
Found the chair and the immediate supervisory personnel to be solicitous and condescending at best. This school is reactive not proactive in its approach to student issues. They do not follow school policy regarding personal issues. There are many MT PROGRAMS OUT THERE. POINT PARK UNIVERSITY SHOULD BE VERY CAREFULLY EXAMINED PRIOR TO APPLYING. THIS WAT YOU WON’T have to
Use legal options to get any results if there is a bump in the road.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s a lot of anger for a first time poster. What happened? Did your kid not get the lead role first semester, maybe didn’t get first choice vocal instructor? My kid and MANY of her classmates have graduated from Point Park with their Actors Equity cards in hand and are currently working in NYC. Sounds like you have some sour grapes. </p>

<p>Wow. I have to agree with stalkermom - this OP is quite bitter about something. Point Park has been an absolutely terrific blend of professional rigor and nurture/support. We have found their program to be quite the opposite of what the OP has said - in fact, as a parent of a returning sophomore, I cannot say enough good things about the theatre chair, the MT department head, as well as lots of dedicated faculty…all of whom seem to genuinely have the best interests of the students as the focus that drives the program. They have a holistic approach that acknowledges talent and potential but also recognizes the challenges that accompany a transition from adolescence to adulthood…giving space for performers to grow in to the mature people they are going to be. And there are far more than three grads with careers in theatre. Anyone with any questions about the PP MT program feel free to private message me. There are lots of us out there who can get you good solid information.</p>

<p>Someone is certainly riding the bitter bus (or should I say bitter Point Park Shuttle.) I am completely offended by this post. Bottom rung? Where did you get your research? Don’t make statements like that unless your are able to give scientific proof. Are you taking a hit at a student at Point Park with your Snow White comment? My daughter has shared that one of her classmates played Snow White at Disney World before attending Point Park. If you are attacking a student, shame on you!!!</p>

<p>My son graduated from Point Park in May of 2014. He immediately was hired by CLO and now hold an AEA card. He auditions regularly and feels very comfortable with the process. Point Park trained him well. He has several opportunities that should be opening up soon. He received a wonderful education from faculty members who were interested in and committed to his success. Did he like and agree with all of his instructors? No. But, he took what they all had to offer him and made it his own. He is still in contact with many of his professors. AND, his voice teacher has become a personal friend of our entire family.</p>

<p>Additionally, my son was on the XC team. Cross Country seriously conflicted with COPA activities. There was absolutely NO BENDING of any rules or protocol. We were a bit upset about that, but understood the professionalism that the COPA faculty had to maintain. I have never seen one moment of rule bending or not following protocol. The strict rules of protocol that the students were held to brought about great professionalism and accountability in BOTH of my children.</p>

<p>My daughter is starting her sophomore year as an MT major. She made a comment that made me really proud. She is deeply enmeshed in auditions. She told me that she would obviously LOVE to get cast, but she is in college to learn, and Point Park is the best place for her to learn because she is so inspired by her instructors.</p>

<p>In addition to being a parent of PPU students, I am also a High School guidance counselor. I held PPU to a VERY HIGH standard before I allowed my children to apply. To “piggyback on Mcpcwhite’s offer,” if anyone wants to private message me with questions about PPU, I would be happy to help.</p>