<p>I'm semi-interested in this major but no one seems to know of this major outside of Berkeley. Is this considered an useless major? Would this major be great for grad school (for law or mba)?</p>
<p>bump! …</p>
<p>bump one more time !</p>
<p>No major is useless for law school. They don’t care what you majored in for admissions, only your GPA in that major.</p>
<p>you might have to explain to an interviewer who isn’t familiar with berkeley’s majors what peis is. in that sense, it’s “useless,” because it seems that few people know what the major actually entails.</p>
<p>bump one more time to see if there are any PEIS majors</p>
<p>As a senior PEIS, I can say that no, the major is not useless. It is a relatively unknown major outside of Cal, but it is definately a great major. For grad school, I know it will look good (I know a lot of PEIS majors go onto law school). Also, for employers, yes, you might have to explain what the major is. I think it’s best to explain that its an interdisiclinary major (that is, you take courses in Poli Sci, Econ, etc), and lets you get knowledge in various field studies. PEIS classes I think takes Economics, and theorizes it by studying economic philosopher’s ideas (Adam Smith, John Keynes, Marx, etc). PEIS majors also need to pick a self picked concentration, so you can concentrate on whatever interests you. Hope this helps!</p>
<p>can you explain the “self picked concentration” a little bit more? What was your concentration?</p>