Political Science/International Relations major--top schools!

<p>I would like to double major in political science and international relations in college. I would also like the school to have a great study abroad program.</p>

<p>Any recommendations?</p>

<p>Here are my stats:
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/755553-chance-please-ill-chance-back-asap.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/755553-chance-please-ill-chance-back-asap.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>JHU, Princeton, and NYU are the first schools that come to mind.
Also good schools, though not as strong for both majors, would be Tufts, Georgetown, and GWU.</p>

<p>Dartmouth is pretty great from what I hear, and Duke should be pretty good.</p>

<p>thanks for the help!</p>

<p>I know, I love Georgetown for international relations and its location in D.C. I just worry that it isn’t as strong for both majors. And the set up of having the SFS and the college separate worries me a bit since the SFS doesn’t include political science.</p>

<p>[Edmund</a> A. Walsh School of Foreign Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_A._Walsh_School_of_Foreign_Service]Edmund”>Walsh School of Foreign Service - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Do not worry if you are accepted to Georgetown SFS. In the corridors of world power and influence , it is universally recognized as the preeminent institution in the world.</p>

<p>Today we saw movingly, President Bill Clinton SFS’68 completing an extrarordinary mission. If his major was somehow “weak” it has not seemed to hold him back.</p>