<p>How many of you can watch a horror flick by yourself? Be honest. I can't.</p>
<p>i CAN. but sure as heck dont want to.</p>
<p>I can, I do and I own a great many horror movies.</p>
<p>depends on the movie–some i can handle alone, some i’ll need backup, and some i can’t handle ever…</p>
<p>but, like sex [supposedly], it’s always better when you have a partner ;)</p>
<p>I can, but every time I watch a horror movie alone or with someone, I regret it. I watched The Strangers over the summer and I still can’t sleep with my back to my door. Haha.</p>
<p>I can’t… not because of fear, but i just don’t think watching a horror movie by yourself is really fun. I need to watch it with friends or something to be entertained by them.</p>
<p>I can’t even watch trailers for horror movies by myself, are you kidding? A WHOLE MOVIE?</p>
<p>i can. and i often have to because everyone around me is a huge ■■■■■. ughhhhh</p>