<p>So I just got a Pomona Newsletter in the mail... is that something everyone got or is it a reason to give me hope? It's probably something everyone got lol</p>
<p>Everybody, or at least I did too.</p>
<p>My daughter got one too. But if you want to read it as a good sign, I'll go along with you and believe it too.</p>
<p>Yea I got one too.</p>
<p>Well both of my children got one when they applied, one was accepted and one was not but enjoy it anyways and intend for the best, right. Best of luck to all.</p>
<p>got one too :)</p>
<p>I got one, I suppose Pomona decided to finally kill some trees for our sake. :D</p>
<p>I thought I was left out, but guess not. I got mine today. yay.
<p>The newletter being sent at this time of the year is something Pomona does every year and from what I can tell it doesn't mean anything about acceptance status.
I think everyone who applies get one.</p>
<p>Newsletter was made on recycled paper!</p>
<p>and i got one too. it made me quite sad. it was as if to say "i know we already deferred you ED1, but we want to remind you what you probably won't be able to enjoy next year" </p>
<p>haha jk i'm staying positive!</p>
<p>C'mon Ilk, we still have hope! :) Grrr April! I wish that horrid month would be here sooner.</p>
<p>I got one too.</p>
<p>thats cool that the newsletter was on recycoled paper... pomona thinks of everything haha jk.</p>
<p>but seriously dont give up ilk07. if they didnt want you, they would have rejected you :) they just need more read your awesome application haha</p>
<p>this whole RD thing is brutal though, i mean, april 1st?! so loooong....</p>
<p>Mhm. v_v Indeed. And it's actually April 10th....hahaha. We have about 47 days to wait. WOOHOO.</p>
<p>april 10th?!?
oh nooo even worse haha
okay, 47 days... (isnt that their special number or something??)</p>
<p>noooooo it's april 5th but it is still too long
Pomona</a> College : Admissions : Admission Application Deadlines</p>
<p>Really? Well thanks ilk, I always thought it was the 10th. <em>changes calendar</em> Same day as a caucus I'm going to!</p>
<p>So we have 39 days, 3 hours, and 38 minutes left! Woohoo!</p>
<p>weird i had down the 10th too...</p>
<p>i think college board has down that the notification date was april 10, but fortunately it's 5 days earlier!! Yay...</p>
<p>38 days, 3 hours and 40 minutes! (I have a countdown going on my Facebook.)</p>
<p>I should probably stop counting, or else I'll just drive myself insane...</p>