Who got the Pomona Clips Mailer?

<p>How many of us got the Pomona College Clips mailer? I got one in the mail today from the admissions office and was wondering if it went to every applicant. Just curious.</p>

<p>what's that?</p>

<p>It's an 8-page newspaper-sized newsletter with clips from the Pomona College magazine with articles about what's been happening at Pomona College (describing the new buildings, being named a top 20 wired college, student profiles with graduate school awards, etc.). It's double folded (quarter-sized) and then mailed to prospective applicants. I was just wondering whether all applicants got this mailing since it seems to be something that might be sent to a more limited/select number of applicants (despite it being addressed from the admissions office). It's probably being mailed to all applicants, but I was just trying to see how wide-spread its distribution was. Who else got it?</p>

<p>Didn't get it here in WA state, but perhaps you got it sooner being in So Cal.</p>

<p>i got it; it was for everybody</p>

<p>Didn't get it.</p>

<p>I got it, too. I'm guessing it is probably for everybody.</p>

<p>yah i got that last year too.
got my hopes up and then i was waitlisted xD
yes, it's for everyone.</p>

<p>Got it today.</p>

<p>We got it today in Washington state.</p>

<p>"D" received one of those last year. They send it to all of the applicants.</p>

<p>Yep I got it. Thanks for bursting my bubble liyana. j/k.</p>

<p>I particularly liked the article about the flip-flops.</p>