<p>I looked over their website and searched these forums but I couldn't find much information on ROTC at Pomona. Do they even offer it, or is it possible to be involved through CMK or another Claremont school?</p>
<p>No and no. Pomona is very anti-ROTC. They refuse to accept ROTC scholarship money and they refuse to grant credit for the ROTC courses which you can take at Claremont McKenna College (Army ROTC) and at Harvey Mudd College (Air Force ROTC).</p>
<p>Does anyone know why that is?</p>
<p>CDad, I’m not sure where you got your information, but I spoke with the Pomona admissions office this afternoon and they told me that students are allowed to complete the ROTC courses at CMK and Pomona WILL accept scholarship money for doing that program.</p>
<p>I plan on emailing and calling again to verify that information, so don’t take my statement as definite yet. However, the admissions office said that they do accept ROTC money. I suppose someone could be misinformed or confused, but I doubt it.</p>
<p>Hello, </p>
<p>My name is Charles Johnson and I’m editor of the Claremont Independent. We are writing an article about the policy of Pomona and Pitzer College of not accepting credit from military science courses and of not accepting money from the Army at Pomona or Pitzer College.</p>
<p>I’d like to hear from you if </p>
<p>1) You are a ROTC graduate or student at another college that was admitted to Pomona but chose against it because of its anti-ROTC policies,</p>
<p>2) You are the family member of such a student.</p>
<p>3) You are a prospective college student that wants to attend Pomona, but won’t because of its ROTC policies. </p>
<p>4) If you can provide any other information.</p>
<p>Please feel free to contact me at <a href=“mailto:CJohnson11@cmc.edu”>CJohnson11@cmc.edu</a>.</p>
<p>Thank you in advance,</p>
<p>Our deadline is February 1.</p>
<p>Here is a direct quote the Pomona admissions office sent:</p>
<p>I don’t know where the idea that Pomona won’t accept scholarships came from, but it’s not true. Course credit does not cross over, but accoring to the email I posted, they will accept money.</p>