<p>On the collegeboard website, it says that Pomona considers ALL your SAT scores (and you're supposed to send them all scores). However, on Pomona's website, it basically says they superscore. So which was in it? Because my composite is 2300, but the breakdown is (800 R 800 W 700 M), haha i suck at math and am debating whether a retake is worth it. Any insider info on the SAT policy for me?</p>
<p>Oh, and I'm not an especially strong candidate in any other way, that's why I'm thinking bringing up that math score could potentially make a difference-- IF they do the superscore. I won't risk a retake otherwise!</p>
<p>“Pomona College requires that applicants submit all SAT scores from all test dates. The admissions committee will consider your highest section scores across all SAT test dates. Final admissions decisions will be made using only your highest individual test scores”</p>
<p>Yes, they super score. And, unless you plan to major in math or science, I would not bother to retake. You are looking good.</p>
<p>They want to see who is taking the test repeatedly - they discourage it. From the same webpage referenced above - </p>
<p>“Our recommendation typically is that students should test twice. Some students will find more comfort in a third testing but testing many times only very, very rarely has produced measurably different results. We believe time is better spent elsewhere.”</p>
<p>@sarsfield: see, but I’m guessing that’s the national percentile for all SATs ever, right? Becaus: #1, it was the 93rd percentile for this test. Just saying. And #2: a 700 is at the 25th percentile for Pomona applicants, for math. Which isn’t exactly good…</p>
<p>@crester: exactly- they encourage you to take the test twice. This was my first time taking it. So I don’t know…</p>
<p>If you’re not a strong applicant otherwise, then I recommend you work on other things instead of studying for a retake. Your scores are more than good enough.</p>