<p>I don't know if I should choose to take academic or AP Chemistry next year (there's no honors). I'm already going to be taking 5 AP classes (technically six, because Gov/Econ are one semester each) and for the fall semester, one dual enrollment class. It's also the year where my ECs will also be really demanding.</p>
<p>The sciences have never been my best subject. I probably wouldn't have my A in academic physics this year if my teacher wasn't so lax on grading.</p>
<p>The only reason I'm really considering AP Chem is because I want to have a rigorous and well-balanced courseload because I'm going for some top LACs and Universities (Middlebury, Brown, etc.). My sciences have been lacking (only two years, Honors Bio freshman year and currently Academic Physics as a junior). I know I will have a hard time with AP Chem and it will probably double my stress throughout the year. But I don't want not taking it to effect my chances of getting into the colleges I want.</p>
<p>So, my question is, do you think not taking AP Chem will screw up my chances with admissions?</p>