Pop Ups

<p>wow, you guys have really vivid imaginations. I didn't create two accounts because that would require me to create a second e-mail account which would be pointless and rather childish. I can ask my friend to simultaneously post so that I can prove it to you. He came over and we checked both of our UM accounts at the same time; I got a pop up and he didn't. I called the NY admissions counselor for the business school at Miami today, Mrs. Liana Mentor, to confirm my pop up further. I know that I've created a lot of stress but I know that many of you will receive your notices soon as well.</p>

<p>i was going to call but i figure i should stop obsessing and just wait for the mail :/</p>

<p>did anyone try calling today or sending an email to their admissions counselor?</p>

<p>yeah, and it's a lie</p>

<p>really? they havent given out any decisions? ive talked to other people on a different website and none of them have heard back. its only people here....</p>

<p>what other website do you go on jill?</p>

<p>wow you guys live pretty isolated lives if you think everyone has an account an collegeconfidential, gocollegeforums, etc. Like I said, I applied to the school of business and I spoke to the NY admissions counselor who is connected with the business school. I bet that most of the people on this site applied to the communications or medical school and that's why they didn't get results yet. I'm a member of the National Academy of Finance Program so I think it was pretty easy for Miami to make a decision about me attending their business school. You guys can keep doubting me, but I'm not lying.</p>

<p>Well, it's going to take a while. I live in South Florida, 40 minutes away from Miami. I didn't get any sort of letter today. Letters this close to home only take a day to arrive. I guess we're all going to be waiting a while.</p>

<p>P.S. Still no pop-up.</p>

<p>I applied as an undecided to the college of arts and sciences. This situation isn't restricted to just the med and communications. No one else at my school (again, in South Florida) has heard back yet either. If they really sent out all the letters yesterday, I would have had the decision in my hand right now.</p>

<p>My son called admissions and they told him the letter was mailed, but they wouldn't give him a verbal answer.</p>


<p>Initiate self-destruct.........</p>

<p>there are some kids on facebook that i talk to</p>

<p>dvm, they started mailling letters yesterday and they will keep sending letters out till the end of the week.</p>

<p>i called yesterday and they said they wont start pop ups till every letter is out</p>

<p>so exactly when will the letters be done being sent out? and are they doing it by alphabetical order? cause if so my last name starts with a "B" and i live in FL so i might recieve my letter tomorrow!!!</p>

<p>i think someone on this forum said they do it by when you applied. the ones who applied the earliest get it first etc. i applied like oct 28th so if they do it that way (who knows will all the different information coming from the admissions office) then ill be last</p>

<p>The information that jill08 got sounds pretty reasonable/likely to me. As for the mail, I think that most mail from Miami to South Florida is probably not going to come next-day, but it will likely arrive by the end of the week.</p>

<p>Good luck, everybody.</p>

<p>Our last name starts with 'B' too....but were in Wisconsin...in snow...in the damn woods....lol. We are like a million miles from Miami...that's why we want a pop-up !!! Please have mercy on those of us far away.....</p>

<p>I reallllly hope that it wasn't done alphabetically. My last name begins with a Z...and the second letter is W.</p>

<p>I. WANT. MY. POP. UP. NOW.</p>

<p>(by the way, 4.4 GPA/33 ACT I should be in, right?)</p>

<p>i called like 5 times today (2 times secretly in school during lunch lol, i'm that desperate). The first two times I received conflicting responses: one person said that they haven't finished processing applications and that the letters haven't been sent out yet and the other person said that they have started mailing out the letters and that i should be able to see my decision online "by the end of the week". When I called again after I got home, the lady told me that they'll be mailing out letters all week and that the website will be updated at the end of the week. I emailed my admissions counselor and he told me that my application was reviewed undr EA (I'd switched last minute from RD to EA); at least I won't have to wait till March/April lol. Anyway, looks like we can all probably expect our decisions by the end of the week, if not sooner =/</p>

<p>anyone else apply under legacy admissions?--im hoping thats going to help me out alittle</p>

<p>mom went there</p>

<p>I applied under legacy too; my grandpa went there and played football in the 50s. That's only for what they consider a legacy though. On top of that, two of my uncles attended as well and the entire family is still very involved with the university, specifically athletics. (Sponsoring scholarships, UM Hall of Fame, etc.) I won't go into too much detail. Anyway, I once called the alumni relations department for a school project I was doing research on. (National History Day!) The person I actually talked to recognized my last name and was like "Hey, you're so and so's grandson, right?" Now if only that recognition can transfer to the admissions office!</p>

<p>UM does seem to be very serious about their legacy applications and they are actually reviewed by an entirely separate admissions committee. (The Legacy Applications Admissions Counselor spoke to us during the open house)</p>