Pop Ups

<p>I'm not lying or kidding. I did call yesterday and I did get my admission decision. I don't know if whether the website says that they don't give it out or not. I called my specific regional counselor. She told me that they were sending all of them out this week and if my letter had already been sent then I can find out. She told me that my letter got mailed out on friday. I don't know what the deal is with anyone else's stuff, but I'm no liar.</p>

<p>I sent it October 29th. :( If the date thing is true, I'm gonna cry.</p>

<p>Our daughter recieved an e-mail today from UM adm counselor today. She let me read it...it said that (he recieved our phone messages) that the letters go out tomarrow and if she has any questions after she recieves her decsion to call him. He stated that they recieved a lot more apps than in years before...he is happy that UM is still her top choice.....we are all completely stressed out now...he did not indicate anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We think she was denied or deferred because why would she have questions if she was accepted? Right? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........</p>

<p>alot more apps than years before? yup im going to get rejected, it was a reach for me even with last years stats.</p>

<p>She could have questions about enrollment! I'd actually say that's positive! I'd say she's either getting an acceptance or a deferral. (But hopefully an acceptance)</p>

<p>i called both the legacy admissions counsleor and my regional counselor today. they both told me that nothing has been sent out and we can expect to hear the first week of february--im not really sure you guys....., we should all march to coral gables and make a protest! whos with me?</p>

<p>they told so many people they already started sending letters? what is going on in that office?</p>

<p>I was told by admissions today that ALL letters have been mailed.</p>

<p>It is all very confusing.....my daughters UM adm counselor stated in email yesterday that notification was going out today. It seems that they were surprised at the increase in app files... I wish that they would at least post something on the UM site for all EA apps. EX: "We wish to thank all who applied ...........The decisions are being sent out (date)." More comfort food coming.....its -4 here today...We think she probably won't get in...even if deferred she would have to let safety schools know by 3/1 to be guarenteed housing. Not smart to roll the dice so to speak...</p>

<p>My daughter called her admissions counselor this afternoon and she was also told that all EA letters have gone out and she should hear soon. We are in Tampa and there was nothing in the mail yet.</p>

<p>Just got pop-up here.....School of Communication!!!</p>

<p>Just checked UM, nothing at 5:00 but the accepted announcement just came up now!</p>

<p>I got in! The pop up came up! YES!</p>


<p>so ripped right now its awesome</p>

<p>i got in as well</p>

<p>OK! What's a regional counselor, how do I find out what mine is, and where can I find their number????</p>

<p>hyakku "Just got pop up it was like you described my bad for telling u u were lying"
i would like to thank hyakku for apologizing in a message, about doubting me. I will also take any further apologies, jk lol. Congrats to everyone else who got in, and I hope the rest of you who didn't, get deferred and then accepted regularly. U guys are awesome and it'll be great to potentially go to school with u guys soon. Anybody visiting in the upcoming months?</p>

<p>Yessss!!!! I Just Got My Popup!!!</p>

<p>Just got my popup at around 9pm, had been checking all day. Applied to communications, last name B, at 11:59 on the last day...no where near perfect grades.</p>

<p>just checked and my s got a pop-up.
i took a screen pic of it, which was a good thing, cuz it's not there now.
i haven't been on line for 2.5 days, so no idea when it arrived.
congrats to all.</p>