Pop Ups

<p>I just spoke with admissions and the woman said there will be no information on the UM website until every letter is sent out. She said the EA decisions were not all going out today, they are sending them out gradually this week. She said to check the websit at the end of the week. FYI, my son is still going to check everyday!!</p>

<p>I also spoke with admisssions this am. I got a little different response.
1) All letters were going out today.
2) Thier computer system will arbitrarily generate pop-ups. Not all kids
getting accepted will get a pop-up.
3) I asked 'why' will only some kids get pop-ups. She had no answer as
that's the way thier system is.</p>

<p>We will check daily as well....the drama continues. I am however dissappointed that 'Trip Girl' and I got different information from admissions. I really grilled admissions for more specific info...was left very confused about the process. On my daughters other colleges they were all very prompt on pop-ups for everyone...(larger state universities). We are completely stressed out.</p>

<p>Gee, that's bizarre. Really. Strikes me as easily fixable and random, the kind of thing that creates unnecessary stress for kids.</p>

<p>has anyone got a pop up? i havent and now i have no idea if its because i didnt get in or got deferred or because they arent posted yet.</p>

<p>i just called the admissions office and they said they arent doing pop ups today and once all the letters are mailed out they will update it or something. she said they start mailing letters today but to check at the end of the week.</p>

<p>It's 11:30 AM...do you know where your pop-up is?</p>

<p>This really sucks. Is it that difficult to mail all the letters at once? Is it that difficult to LAUNCH A COMPUTER PROGRAM?!?!? I'm pretty confident I've gotten in (all my stats well are above their average), I'd just like to know for certain. I really hope that: (a) I'm one of the chosen "random" people to get a pop-up; (b) My letter has been sent and should be here ob Thursday; (c) the pop-ups go up before the end of the week.</p>

<p>I've been checking in between every class in the school library. I can't live like this for the next four days!</p>

<p>you are lucky ha. UM is a reach for me and all my stats are below :(. i doubt ill get in but its my dream school.</p>

<p>i just got my pop up, im finally a cane</p>

<p>I just called the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at UM and got the following information from the representative:</p>

<p>1) "Most of" the decision letters will be mailed out "by the end of today."
2) MyUM "E-mail notifications" will be "updated next week."</p>

<p>So, it seems we have some inconsistent information coming out of that office. And I'm pretty nervous here as well =/.</p>

<p>I'm yet to here back as well, looks like we only have one lucky person?</p>

<p>miamihereicome you got a pop up?</p>

<p>Y'all, what's the weblink for checking UM status and possible pop-up? My son's link keeps taking him to a page that just says they've received his Common App -- same thing it's said since October!</p>

<p>miamihereicome....you got a pop-up ????? Now we are all really stressed out. Congrats to you...what were your stats and where are you from....</p>

<p>Legalpeach...keep going to my UM with status check ( where you put the ID and password ) there should be a message in his message box that will pop-up apparently...</p>

<p>I have left 2 messages for my daughters adm counselor and there is still no replys...maybe he is out today.</p>

<p>We are so stressed.</p>

<p>Bad feeling that Miamihereicome is a troll......</p>

<p>yea, it just popped up when i logged in and it contained a link to paying the deposit. My friend just called and told me he got in too, maybe they're doing it based on region or something.</p>

<p>almosthomefree... i definitely feel the stress too. miami is the only school i actually want to go to, any other school would be settling. and im really nervous because its such a reach for me. ive heard some people with stats higher than mine have gotten rejected then i heard people with my stats got in so im really freaking out! but i talked to the admissions office today and they told me they arent even posting pop ups till the end of the week when all of the letters are out but they are telling everyone different things and im going crazy!</p>

<p>Well i have a 4.0 GPA and a 1410/2100 SAT and 32 ACT. I would put up extracurriculars/community service/awards and honors, but I'll keep it short. I applied to the School of Business so it's probably easier to get into than the medical or communications school. And no Rodney, I'm not a troll, I called admissions and they said some people would get the pop-up and some wouldn't. I just happened to get it.</p>

<p>Congrats!! I hope my friends get them.</p>

<p>I'm currently a CANE, CANES '11! :)</p>

<p>has anyone else gotten in???</p>

<p>Miamihericome, I'm still a bit skeptical because so many of us have been told that there would be NO pop-ups today. It seems odd that only one of the Miami-hopefuls on CC has gotten it. Plus, this is your first post. Seems a bit suspicious...</p>

<p>That being said, if you did get in, congrats. What did the pop-up look like? Was it big and impossible to miss? Oh my, I'm getting myself excited.</p>