Pop Ups

<p>The pop-up is huge, I actually took a picture of it on my digital camera when I got my acceptance for the Spring 2008 term (transferred from University of Maryland). </p>

<p>It says CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'RE A CANE! And then you're acceptance letter is below and then they have a link for a deposit.</p>

<p>Best of luck! I highly doubt he is lying. I'm sure there will be some more people posting that they got their pop-ups later tonight. I think it's random how they load. Right now, you may be getting nothing cause they entered it today and it still has not registered. But, possibly by 8PM EST, you may be one of the lucky few applicants who can say, "I'm a CANE"</p>

<p>Remember, last year the average applicant had a 4.2 GPA and low-mid 1300s- perfect SATs. So, I expect the average accepted applicant this year to have about a 4.4 GPA weighted and 1350-1400 SAT score. So don't be surprised if you're deferred now. Most deferees get accepted in March/April during RD.</p>

<p>It does sound very suspicious veggieheadgeek. But, I'm so stressed right now. miamihereicome and a 4.0 with 32 act....if it is true then my daughter has no chance...oh boy....look at the time she is almost home...she going to want to know what's going on with admissions. I know she has been waiting all day like you all. ewww I hate seeing her cry...comfort food in Wisconsin...I'm cooking and everyones invited. LOL. We got new snow last night and a fire in the fireplace right now for relaxing.</p>

<p>Oh, I feel your stress all the way in Atlanta, almosthomefree!! Wish I could help! I sure hope your DD finds her pop-up (nothing for us yet), but she will be FINE no matter what. She's got a wonderful caring mama making her a fire and comfort food when she comes in from a snowy day!!!</p>

<p>I just called the UM Office of Undergraduate Admissions again. I got confirmation that all, or nearly all, of the Early Action decision letters were mailed out today, in regular mail. I also asked if <a href="http://www.myUM.Miami.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.myUM.Miami.edu&lt;/a> would be updated with the decisions, and the representative told me that I could try checking at the end of the week.</p>

<p>Good luck, everybody. I hope we all get good news.</p>

<p>ok....Thankyou. I did not want to call again. My daughter is on her treadmill right now with her cell to her ear...telling her friends the update. Her buddy got into Stanford and he applied EA. They found out Dec 15th....Her stress is due to waiting so long...all the Ivy kids already know where they are going. Her safties are even back. She got in, but she loves UM and that is her dream school.</p>

<p>the pop-up was pretty big, but it doesn't show up anymore, I should have printed it. Like I said before, along with the confirmation of BruinsJew, it contained a link to submitting a deposit and a congratulations. I'm pretty sure more people have gotten the pop-up but they aren't users on this site.</p>

<p>Eh, not that I'm doubting you man, but I've got similar stats (4.1 GPA, 1390/2040), am a URM, and haven't heard anything. I'm not really stressing it as I've gotten into a school that I already like, but regardless i just find it a bit strange you would sign up to this site before seemingly not knowing about it (unless you've been lurking just to post this specific post which would be kind of strange) just to alert us all about a pop up that no one can verify. But hey, I'll just wait till friday lol.</p>

<p>It could be different for each school. Like Miamihereicome said he is a business school applicant. Communication is the most popular school and they may not be updating till later this week.</p>

<p>oh wow.. i'm really getting worried.. i hope i get a popup and i hope i get onesoon... miamihereicome u said they might e doing it by region.. where do you live? in florida? cause i'm here in florida...</p>

<p>Me too.....if most people here happen to be from Florida, that might be the problem. No one else here seems to have gotten one. (I'm a competitive candidate and semi-expect to get in.)</p>

<p>oh great. the comm school is the most popular? that probably means its the hardest to get into and i have no shot. SWEEEET. and do you think its true they are mostly accepting kids with 1300 or 1400 sats?? thats crazy! i only have an 1170 so thats basically not happening.</p>

<p>I called and they gave me my decision.

<p>i thought they couldnt give out decisions over the phone</p>

<p>yeah . but i might actually go ahead and give that a try. but i'd be embarrassed if i didnt actually get in and they'd be like "sorry but you havent been accepted" lol</p>

<p>i know i might call too but if i didnt get in it would probably be awkward when i burst into tears. the waiting sucks.</p>

<p>ok......I just came on to check if by any chance someone else was going to get in by way of pop-up! And...now we are hearing that college08 has called and recieved this info...ugh...although I am extremely proud of you I am realizing that this whole thing is a mess...we are all so nervous and people are having to call admissions??? I have never heard of such a bunch of garbage. Everyone should be finding out at the same time online with letters to come to verify housing, money ect....UM is creating mayhem and undo stress. I bet they get flooded with calls tomarrow...serves them right when this type of info/dates of decision goes out into cyberspace. They must of known that this was going to happen with these types of forums...eh</p>

<p>well you can't blame the university because all that's really been said is he said she said. A person in an admissions office can lie, and obviously someone is by the amount of responses we have. The official deadline is technically Feb 1.</p>

<p>in response to all of those who did not believe my friend edward paul-miamihereicome-he did get his pop up today....., i was sitting next to em' when he got it....., i thought i would be able to open the same thing but nothing has come up yet</p>

<p>--he just wanted to me to come on here and verify w. you guys, cuz he felt bad about you guys thinking he was lieing.....,never knew about this site--very interesting----keep me posted you guys!</p>

<p>I personally think miamihereicome is lying, and he/she also created Canes-'12....but we'll never know, so I don't think we should start worrying yet about not getting a pop up. </p>

<p>If they mailed them out today, we'll here back sometime this week, and hopefully we will all get pop ups tomorrow.</p>

<p>Good Luck Everybody!</p>

<p>I agree...good luck everyone...and when people start hearing (by way of pop-up, letter or verbal ) please let us know. It was suppose to be Feb. 1st. I guess our family was surprised by the 1/22 date. We are less stressed today because of the 'reach' status of UM for our daughter. You all have a lot better stats. Our school does not do Weighted. Our d is 3.57 with 3.75 first term this year.</p>