Population at Fu

<p>About how many people do you think were accepted into the Fu foundation? If this question is unanswerable, what was the school's population last year?</p>

<p>There are about 300 SEAS and 1200 CC per class. More were obviously accepted, because plenty of people go elsewhere. You can look up the exact numbers.</p>

<p>are there many applicants to the Seas program?</p>

<p>You can look it up. The acceptance rate is around 20%.</p>

<p>2700 SEAS students applied for an admission rate of 22.7% (~600 students). Around half of these will accept Columbia's offer, making up some 300 first-year engineers. Columbia College anticipates about 1020 students for its freshman class.</p>

<p>What kind of fields do SEAS students go into after college?</p>

<p>Plenty go into engineering / science fields (either directly to companies or into PhD programs), related to what they studied. But, more probably do other things as compared to that you'll find at other engineering schools. Many go into the financial industry, with Columbia being in NYC. A number go into medicine, especially the biomedical/chemical engineers. Some go into consulting, law, public policy, etc.</p>